Roger taylor //dinner//

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Warning: slight smut

You, Brian and John were invited for dinner at Roger (your crush since forever) and Freddie's house.

Once you get the call from Freddie and hang up you quickly run to your bathroom since you had only 1 hour to get ready, you hopped in the shower and done your after shower routine.

After you've done your hair 30 minutes had already passed so you had to get ready in 30 minutes, so your ran to your closet and since you knew that Roger was there you wanted to wear something seductive so he could possibly like you back. You choose any skirt that you could find and a top and a coat cause it was kinda cold, after wearing your outfit you looked at yourself in the mirror and you liked the way you looked, the skirt was a little short but you didn't care cause you had to leave quickly, You wore some accessories, put on some perfume, got your bag and left the house just on time.

You went to get a cake and You got to their house, knocked on the door and greeted Freddie with a hug and cheek kisses, he removed your coat and puts it on the the stand, "you look dazzling, darling" he says as he shoots you a playful wink, you chuckle knowing that he means that Roger will love the way look since he's the only one who knows about your crush on Roger, Freddie leads you to the dinner table and once you entered you greet everyone on the table and catch Roger's eyes scanning you up and down and you get chills by the way he's looking at you.

Once you're searching where to sit you were going to sit between Freddie and John, but before you could sit down Freddie puts his hand on the seat "uuuh John, love, I need you sit next to me" Fred says quickly, you understood that he wants you to sit next to Roger. Once John moves next to Freddie, you're sitting in between Roger and John, you get butterflies once you smell Roger's cologne next to you.

"You look fantastic y/n" Roger says whispering to you, you instantly get more butterflies and you're a blushing mess but you look down to hide it with a whispered thank you.

Roger's pov:

Me and Brian were talking about our next gig when I see y/n standing and greeting us, all I can think of is how stunning she looks, I've had a crush on her since I met her in college, and since last night Freddie kind of slipped out the fact that she liked me, I've been feeling confident to be more flirty with her so I'm gonna keep teasing her to see what she's gonna do or if she might confess. So I started off slow whispering in her ear telling her how beautiful she is...did she just blush..omg this is gonna be so much fun.

Y/n pov:

I tried to brush what just happened off since there's no way he was flirting he's just being nice..right?

Roger kept being very touchy which drove me crazy, like putting my hair behind my ear when he's talking to me or when he laughs he puts his hand on my bare thigh, although he removes it, but these few seconds drives me insane and makes me wanna confess already but I have to keep it together.

We kept eating and talking when all of a sudden Roger puts his hand on my knee but this time he doesn't remove it and of course I didn't want to remove his hand because I was enjoying the attention he was giving me, he slowly started moving his hand up my thigh and my breath hitched but he was doing it so slow as if he was checking if I was okay with this, once he saw from the corner of his eye that my eyes widened and my face was Ruby red he smirked a little.

Roger's pov:

I've been trying to be touchy with her the whole night but I'm gonna do one last thing that will make me know if she actually likes me. I started putting my hand on her knee and of course I didn't want to make her uncomfortable so I wanted to see if she would hit my hand away or not but strangely she didn' she enjoying this?...I started moving my hands upwards little by little still not wanting her to be uncomfortable but the only reaction I got was her blushing and bitting her lip and it was so exciting to see that I have that effect on her so couldn't help but smirk, I started lowering my hand to her knee again but before I could she stopped my hand not wanting me to go, I got you where I want you now.

Y/n pov:

He kept moving his hand upwards and I was starting to get turned on by the motion so I bit my lip and looked down not wanting the others to notice, he got so close to my inner thigh but all of a sudden he stopped and started going downwards again but before I can think I stopped his hand not wanting him to go downwards, and that's when he looked at me and smirked with a facial expression that said "oh yeah?" And that's when I decided to talk to him.

You still had your hand on his hand so you stood up while grabbing his hand "excuse us one second we'll be back shortly" you said and everyone looked at you confused especially Roger but Freddie had the biggest smirk on his face.

You dragged him behind you and went into his room, "look I don't know why you were flirting with me all night and honestly it drove me insane as you can tell and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it and-" before I could finish he grabbed me by the waist, inched our faces together and he brushed his lips against mine "you wanna know why I was teasing you all night?" He whispers against your lips "mhm" you respond unable to speak since you were starstruck, and before you can think about it he softly places your chin between he's fingers and pulls you closer till their's no space left between your bodies, and chuckles softly before bringing your lips together into a soft and needy kiss that you both have been waiting for, and you just melt into each other's embrace, you both pull away slowly "it's because I've been in love with you for so long y/n...and because I might've heard from a little birdy that you might like me so I had to test that out for myself" of course you were speechless, so many questions running through your mind but all that you can manage to say was " I'm gonna need to find that birdy and thank it because we're in this situation, but anyways I love you so much, I've loved you for so enough talking kiss me" and both of you felt very giddy and satisfied after you were done with your kissing session that slowly turned into a make out session, you forced Roger to get out of the room so you can rejoin the boys to the dinner table, after you left the room you see the boys smirking at both of you seeing both of you blushing and your hair's messed up, "had a good talk eh?" Freddie says teasingly which made Brian and John laugh, "shut up" Roger says chuckling.

You got back at the dinner table and had the cake that you bought and had a good time and after the night was over Roger drove you home.

The End.

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