Brian may //road trip//

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Warning: slight smut

You, the boys and their wives were going on a roadtrip to Italy since everyone was burnt out from work and needed a break so you all decided to have a roadtrip without bodyguards or security so you can enjoy and you were really excited to go with Brian cause he's your crush but he's really more than that, you're in love with him but you didn't tell him cause you didn't want to ruin things between the 2 of you.

It's 5am by now and you all pack your things and put the luggages in Roger's convertible big car but the trunk wasn't big enough to fit all bags so you end up putting the rest of the bags in the back seat. Roger sat in the driver seat and Freddie next to him, John sat in the back seat with Veronica on his lap so they can make space for the bags and next to him is Brian but the stack of bags were between them like a fence so they couldn't see each other unless they lean forward to see each other.

After everyone was settled they waited for you to double check everything and when you look for a seat you notice that all the seats were taken and Freddie and Roger already said no one is gonna sit in front with them because "they need space" so Brian suggested shyly and said "I mean you can sit on my lap unless you don't want and have another idea" and you turn red but realize it's the only option and you just wanted to make sure that he wouldn't mind and that he would be comfortable and he didn't mind. So you you sat on his lap carefully and shyly with your face to the window and your back to John or the stack of bags if you will, you kept making sure that Brian was comfortable and vice versa.

After Roger made sure everyone was ready he started the journey and put on the radio, everyone was chatting and having a good time and Roger went to a gas station to get coffee for everyone because it was a long road ahead of you and all of you didn't want to waste a minute so everyone drank their coffee whilst Roger was driving, and after everyone was finished with their coffee Roger decided to open the convertible's car shield so you can get the full cliché roadtrip experience and he started playing Italian music to get you in the mood.

*you should play classic Italian love songs on Spotify to get the full experience but if you don't that's fine, now back to the story*

You enjoyed the fresh air as it swept your hair and brushed your face, the pretty sunrise and the person you admire next you, everything was perfect so you closed your eyes to take in the the moment, the italian music playing in your ears and you feel free and as if all your worries just disappeared and nowhere to be seen. When you open your eyes again you see Brian looking at you with loving eyes admiring you and when he realized that you noticed he had a light red hue on his cheeks and you were surprised at his reaction and felt butterflies, but you kept enjoying the view and kept pointing out things you liked to Brian. After the sun was shining brightly you had about an hour left on the road and honestly you started feeling bored so you decided to mess with Brian.

"Um Brian I wanna take a nap so do you mind if I cuddle into you to get comfortable" and he blushed a little but didn't mind and you put your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around his neck, you stayed still for 5 mins or so to act like you were asleep but in reality you weren't and this is where it gets fun. You start moving your hips as if you're getting comfy and you slide one of your hands down his chest and keep it on his chest, and you can hear his breath hitch and you try not to giggle, a little later and you move your hips again just a little longer this time and tangle your fingers in his soft and fluffy hair and he let's out a small whimper only you can hear it, so you stay still again and after a little you move your hips again and move your head up so your lips rest on Brian's neck and you open your lips a little so you can softly blow hot air on his neck, and he let's out another small moan only you can hear it and feel something hard you're sitting on all of a sudden and you blush deeply at that, "I hope you know how much you're driving me crazy right now, and how much I need you" he whispers more to himself but you still hear him and his voice sounded desperate and husky and that really turned you on "oh I know but you'll have to wait to wait till we get to the hotel" you whisper in his ear and give him a kiss on his neck and you can see him turn as red as a tomato. This is gonna be fun.

The end

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