Freddie Mercury //snow day//

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You and Freddie had a crush on each other ever since high-school and finally in college you admitted you liked each other and Freddie asked you on a date.

It was December and it was cold but your date finally is happening today so you were super excited but at the same time nervous so you decided to play music to get your worries out of your head and you went straight to the bathroom and took a hot shower and of course sang at the top of your lungs, you got out and did some skincare, had a snack, put on makeup and dressed, you were wearing a lot of layers since it was chilly and hoped that this will keep you warm but let's be honest just seeing Freddie makes you feel warm inside and outside, he makes you a blushing mess.

You called your friend since you needed some reassurance and after you feel more confident you hear the door bell ring, and once you open he door you see a very cuddly and smiley looking Freddie and he was holding a tiny gift bag, "you're ready to go?" He asks excitedly and you nod your head as you close the door behind you and you both go in for a hug that made you feel butterflies, he extended out his hand to give you the gift and you grin at this sweet gesture, "aww Fred that's so sweet of you...thank you" you say as you go for it and give him a kiss on the cheek, once you saw him blush and look away you felt very victorious that you can put him in this state, "i-it's nothing really I just wanted to buy you some chocolates you can enjoy since I know you love chocolates" he says as you walk.

You both have no clue where you're going since both of you just wanted to go with the flow so you kept walking and chatting about life and college and subtly flirt every now and then. Half way while you're walking you spot an ice skating rink so you gasp slightly and Freddie looks at you "can we go to the ice skating rink please it's been soo long since I went I was like 8 so I'd love to try again, what do you think?" You ask him as you tap his arm gently out of excitement and he giggles at your action "of course I don't mind but keep in mind I can't skate" Freddie says smiling at you "neither can I but we can try that's what's gonna make it more fun" you say as you rush to the place.

You arrive and Freddie has already found his shoe size but you're still looking, after you found it you go to sit on the bench to put them on and you find Freddie already has them on and waiting for you, you struggle to tie the shoelaces from your fingers freezing so Freddie offers to help and you nod, he gets down on his knee to tie your shoes and you admire him as he does so, his beautiful black soft hair, his perfect skin, his hands, his eyes, his lips.. "is that good?" He asks as he tightens your laces interrupting your train of thoughts "huh..uh yeah that's great thanks" you say as you blush since you thought you looked stupid when you zoned out on him, and he just chuckles, he probably took notice but he didn't say anything.

The coach leads you both to the rink and both of you start taking baby steps unsure on how to skate and you start laughing hysterically since you both look pretty dumb, until the coach approached you "you look like you're struggling there let me help you" he says as he takes your hand and teaches you how to skate a little and you kind of get the hang of it, "y/n can you come here for a moment" Freddie says as he watched you and the coach, you kinda skate over to him and you nailed skating alone so you started bowing down expecting him to clap for you or laugh but he didn't instead he looked a little mad, "heyy what's wrong?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows "nothing wrong I just wanted you to....teach me" he says looking for an excuse to why he called you over " were just jealous of the coach weren't you?" You say with mischief on your face "what no no I wasn't" he says looking at the floor "Freddiee it's obvious...look I'm sorry I know this day is about us but I just wanted to learn so I could teach you, now give me your hands" you say as you extend your hands to him and he takes them slowly still a little mad you start guiding him and you start skating together and he forgot about what happened in no time cause he knew that it's not that big of a deal after all he just felt a little left out and now that you're giving him your attention he feels better, you start messing around and you saw a girl do a spin with her partner so you decided to try it with Freddie, you held each other's hand tightly and started to go in a circle which didn't take a second and both of you fell on the floor laughing hysterically, Freddie got up quickly and you couldn't stop laughing so it was a little hard for you to get up so Freddie was about to offer you his hand but the coach approached you and gave you his hand but instead you extended your hand towards Freddie so he can help you and he smiled at you.

You keep messing around in the ice rink and then you decided to leave since you became hungry, so you leave to have donuts and something hot to drink and you continue chatting, you got up to finish your last donut while strolling and after you finished it Freddie points something out "you have something on your mouth" and you keep trying to get it but you can't "may I" he asks and you let him and he removes the bits of donut you had around your mouth with his thumb and you find that so attractive and you get butterflies AGGRESSIVELY, and he smirks a little since he knew what he was doing.

After walking around a bit you see some Christmas decorations since it was the beginning of December and chat about Christmas, until you see an open park with snow and you decided to sit in the snow, as you were about to sit down you feel a ball of snow hit your back and hear Freddie giggling softly, you give him an evil look and you start balling snow in your hands pretty quickly and throw it at him and here starts a big snow fight full of laughter, finally after you were both done you decided to lay in the snow and do a snow angel after you were done you looked at each other for a few seconds, your face a few inches apart "um I have a camera in my bag how about we take a few photos in this pretty sunset" and he quickly agrees, you take a few photos and in the last one he kisses your cheek and just like he was blushing in the start you were too.

You stayed a little in that park and ate one of the chocolates he bought together, till it was night and you had to go home so he decided to walk you home, once Freddie got up he helped you get up and didn't let go of your hand so you walked hand in hand and you both were so content and satisfied, both of your hands were freezing but you didn't care.

When you were finally at your home you stood together for a few "I seriously had so much fun Freddie I hope we can do this again" you say as you grin at him "yeah I agree this was such an amazing day, and next time we go to and ice skating rink I'll make sure we don't fall" you both laugh a little and Stand there in silence and knew it was the moment you were waiting for, you both slowly got closer to each other looking each other in the eyes and lips signaling that you want to kiss him, "may I kiss you" he whispers since your faces were only a few cm away "please" you whisper back and that's all it took to melt in each other, he grabbed your face and kissed you slowly and softly, his lips were warm and it was enough to make you feel warm and forget about the ice cold weather, he kissed you a few more times not wanting to let go, afterwards you look each other in the eye and smile "wow ahah...okay I should get going now, goodnight Freddie" you say while your smile doesn't want to leave your face "goodnight, y/n" and just like that you both went home smiling and feeling all giddy. It truly felt like a fairytale.

The End

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