Freddie mercury //truth or dare//

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You and the boys got bored and decided to play truth or dare, the room was filled with laughter and happiness until it was your turn, Roger knows about your huge crush on Freddie so when he went to spin the bottle and it landed on you, you were kind of frightened, "well well well, truth or dare" Roger asked you with a sly smirk that scared you, all the questions he could ask you about Freddie running through your head, so you chose dare to stay on the safe side but you were completely wrong you just set yourself more trouble, "alright let me think- I dare you to kiss Freddie!" Roger says without hesitation "WHAT!" Freddie and I say in unison, this can't be happening how did this dare possibly slip your mind, what did you get yourself into, you make eye contact with Freddie and the thought of kissing him makes you weak, "look Freddie if you don't want to do thi-" you say trying to back out of this "let's just do it" Freddie say quickly, and that's all it took for both of you to get closer to each other and every inch he gets closer to your face your heart just pounds faster, he's so confident it scares you but you inch closer to his face you can feel his breath on your lips, you've always dreamed of this moment ever since you fell in love with him and now it's happening, you just close your eyes and lean in closer to him until you press your lips to his, he's lips were so soft and plump, he kissed you so sweetly and you wished this could last forever, you can hear the others cheer but all you can focus on is Freddie and before you know it he pulls back, it was probably like 4 seconds but to you it felt way longer, you felt so alive and happy, as you go back to sit down you realize this probably means nothing to him but as you catch a glimpse of him you see that he's blushing a little, but you were Scarlett red at this point, the game ends and you can't stop thinking about the kiss so you decided to confess to Freddie about how you feel, you knock on his room's door, he opens it and when he saw you he's face lit up "look I'm so sorry about this and I'm sorry abo-" and before you could finish your sentence the feeling that you've been thinking about non-stop came back, the feeling of his lips on yours but this time it wasn't a dare " I like you a lot y/n" Freddie says while stroking your cheek with his thumb "I like you a lot too Freddie".
The End

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