Roger Taylor //where have you been//

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*Warning: slight smut, somewhat dirty talking*

After a lot of convincing from your best friend to come with her to "the best party you'll ever attend" you give in and approve, she looks through your closet to find the perfect dress and after a few minutes she suddenly gasps and your attention is on her now, she shows you a tight dark blue dress that has a flowy bottom and a v-line, you look at her wide eyed "no way this dress is buried in my closet for a reason" you protest but as a response she throws the dress in your lap, "first of all, you need to step up your style a little and this dress is perfect for that, second, you'll be the best looking person in the party and that's a fact not an opinion, so you're going to wear that dress wether you like it or not" you're best friend demands, you whine trying to get out of this situation "I'm trying to get you out of your comfortable zone for your own good sweetie" she says while patting your head "plus who knows maybe you'll meet the love of your life" she says sitting next to you on the bed nudging your side, "Riight.." you giggle a little, "well come on show them who's the queen of the party and let's get started on the makeover shall we?" She offers you her hand as she stands up "alright I guess" you take her hand and she takes you to the bathroom and starts applying makeup and glitter on your face and after each step she whispers a "perfect" or "gorgeous".

After you're done with the makeup and hair she leaves you alone to put the dress on, you look at yourself in the mirror hope that she's right, that you might find the love of your life but that was impossible..right? ,  you come out of the room and twirl around a bit and she cheers but then storms into her room looking for something frantically, she came out holding a diamond necklace and earrings and a silver snake armlet, "wear these with the black heels and my masterpiece is done" she says grinning which makes you smile.

You head out the door and enter her car waiting for her in the passenger seat, it's not long until she appears and sits in the driver's seat and playing the radio before heading to the house where the party is going to be, you sing along to the "70s top hits" until you arrive, you approach the bouncer until he let's you in and a beautiful Persian guy with black hair greets you and your friend with open arms, "FREDDIE!! I'VE MISSED YOU" you here your friend scream from next to you and you hear her clearly over the loud music, you say hello to the Freddie that you always heared about but never met.

when you turn around to talk to your friend you couldn't seem to find her and you start panicking but you see her walking away with Freddie, so you decided to head to the bar to order a drink to relax your nerves, everybody had their eyes on you, your friend was right about getting everybody's attention, you order something not too strong and dance to the music in your place, you look around and everybody is having the time of their lives, making out, grinding and dancing, the lights dancing along with diffrent colors, you look around a little trying to find something to do or someone to talk to since your friend left you, when you find a pair of big blue eyes staring at you from top to bottom, he had blonde hair, wearing a black leather jacket and a black t-shirt and black jeans, you brushed it off since everybody has been staring at you like some prey by hungry predators, but he was diffrent and breath taking with his lazy eyes.

 you order another drink when you feel someone behind you and before you can turn around they tap on your shoulder, they're hand lingering on your soft skin, you look into his deep blue eyes and you recognize him instantly since his eyes had not stopped gazing at you the whole party, "hello sweetheart" he says his voice is raspy and husky you could just melt, "oh so you're the guy that is so obsessed with me huh?" He giggles lightly "I have been caught red handed haven't I? Well can't help it when you have an angel infront of you, so would you dance with the obssesed guy?" He says while holding your chin between His fingers, you try not to blush at his compliment "well let me pay for the drinks and I'll think about it" but before you can open your purse he stops you by putting his hand on yours and that was enough to give you butterflies, "let me, it's the least I can do" and before you can protest he pays for the drinks and takes your hands in his and heads to the dance floor, "look I'm not much of dancer" you tell him "who said you need to be a professional dancer to have a good time, let me guide you" that's when "where have you been by rihanna" started playing and you smile since it's one of your favourite songs and he just admires your smile for a bit until he snaps back to reality, "well just turn around and I'll guide you from here" so you do as he says and you feel his hands slither to your waist holding you tightly and pressing you against his body closer until you feel the warmth of his body and you can smell his intoxicating cologne scent, your hands find their way around his neck and you just melt in his arm, resting your head on his shoulder loving the sensation of him against your back, you dance to the rythm of the beat.

he takes your arms and leads you to a corridor and pins you to one of it's walls, towering over you and you can feel the heat of his body, he's watching you with hungry eyes, he looks incredible with the purple lights that's surrounding the whole house, he starts kissing you hungrily and passionately slipping his tongue in your mouth leaving you breathless, he starts running his hands up and down your body taking in every curve, your fingers in his soft hair, at this point you're in ecstasy, all of a sudden he backs away "when you'd like to scream my name it's yours truly Roger Taylor" he whispers in your ear, winking at you, and your memorized by his everything, "where have you been all my life" you sing along holding his face in your hands, he kisses you one more time sweetly this time "let's take this to a room shall we" he says interlocking his hands in yours "and this time you'll be screaming MY name yours truly y/n  y/l/n" you say and it's your turn to wink at him he simply replies "we'll see about that honey" and you two disappear into one of the rooms.


I think this is the longest imagine I've done so I hope you like it💕

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