Roger Taylor //first kiss//

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You and Roger have been friends for a long while now and you trust him so much. And you knowing Roger he's been with a shit ton of girls, but you never had your first kiss yet and you started getting impatient basically curiosity was killing you at this point, so you decided to practice your first kiss with Roger.

Roger was in his room studying and after a lot of thinking you hesitantly knock on his door, "come in" you hear from inside so you enter and you see him stressed and drowning in books, "oh is this not a good time?" you ask him still hesitant on your idea "no no I need a break anyways, is everything alright?" Roger asks worried seeing how nervous you look, "I need a favour from you" you say entering his room and closing the door behind you "okaay? What is it?" he asks giving you his full attention now, "you have kissed a decent amount of people right?" You ask still worried on how to ask him "I mean not to brag but yeah why?" He asks trying to figure out where this is going " and as you know I didn't and honestly I-I'm getting impatient because I wanna know w-what it feels like, you know" you say trying to hint what you want and he starts to catch on but he let's you finish "so since you're my best friend I know I can trust you with my first kiss i-if that's okay with you of course" you say fiddling with your clothes "so you're asking me to teach you how to kiss?" He asks while crossing his arms and giving you a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow "IF that's okay with you as I said you don't have to of course it's no-" you start to get nervous and start rambling "calm down I don't have a problem" he says giggling softly "really! So you'll help me!" You say starting to get excited and more nervous, and he just nods approvingly.

You sit next to him on the bed, facing eachother, "s-so what happens now l-like d-do you want me to lean in or you will or-" and he just shoots you a look "sorry I'll shut up" you get the message, "alright I just need you to relax" he says while putting your tense shoulders down "there is nothing to worry about" he says trying to assure you, "alright what now" you say after you relax a little, your heart still beating in your chest which he takes notice of "nope relax a little more, you can do it just breath in and out with me okay?" He says trying to slow your heartbeat down a little, and you were just glad he was here for you and not trying to get this over with.

"NOW what?" You ask after completely relaxing "just go with it" he says easily "go with it? What does that even mean?" You ask unsure of what to do "you'll get it right now" he whispers to you while wrapping one hand around your waist and the other behind you neck, he leans in and gently presses he's soft lips against yours and you let your lips move in a slow rhythm, you run your fingers through his hair loving every second of this, a few whines slip out of your mouth and your face starts heating up and Roger just giggles against your lips, "what?!" You whine in loss of contact "you're just so cute and even cuter when you're nervous" he says tucking your hair behind your ear "you think me being nervous is cute?!" "Yeah you get all flustered" he says while giggling "anyways that wasn't bad at all, you're a really good kisser, I see why girls like you" you say not making eye contact "aw you're so sweet you're not bad yourself, a quick learner actually" you blush and put your head down "uhm do you mind if we do it again" you ask "not at all" just like that he takes your chin in between his fingers and lifts your face and you're kissing again, losing yourself in the feeling while whines and moans escape your mouth, "god I love those little noises you do" Roger says in the kiss and you feel your face heating up even more and he pulls away to look at your face "aww look at you blushing" "oh shut up and kiss me" and you pull him by his shirt and connect your lips once more, never getting enough of the feeling "can I sit on your lap" you whisper against his lips and he whispers a yes back, you straddle him and start kissing him passionately getting the hang of it now, his hands going up and down your body and your hands tangled in his soft hair, "I hope you're planning on practising something a little more intense with me at some point" he says
Giving you a cheeky grin "you're such a perv" you say hitting his shoulder softly "don't push your luck" you tell him and laugh together "only if I can be your first everything" he whispers in your ear and you share one more kiss.
The end

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