John deacon //fireplace//

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You had a long day and a lot on your mind that's worrying you so you decided to sit infront of the fireplace since it was cold and you always found it relaxing.

Around 2 am and at this point you are lost in your thoughts and worries, biting your nails in frustration, to the point you didn't hear anyone walking towards you.

You snap out of your train of thoughts when you feel a gentle hand on your shoulder, it was John, he was in the endless list of things that worries you like how he feels about you, would he like you back and if you decide to tell him you love him would he reject you, all those thoughts running through your head day and night.

"Hey are you okay" he says with a calming voice while crouching down infront of you and holding both of your hands in his, noticing how nervous you looked, you loved how he was always gentle with you, "I-I'm fine I just...have a lot on my mind" you say with your head down not daring to look in his eyes, "you know you can tell me anything" he says while lifiting your face by holding your chin between his fingers so you can meet his eyes and you blush slightly at the action, "I know I just don't want to bother you" you say still trying to look away "Heyy look at can never bother me I care about you and your well being so seeing you sad or stressed makes me sad too" hey says in a hushed voice trying to sooth you and you give him a weak smile, "look you don't have to tell me what's bothering you if you don't want to talk about it how about we empty your mind instead, how does that sound?" He says still holding your hand rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles and you just give him a nod.

He sits next you and you rest your head on his shoulder while he rubs your back in circles which makes you less tense, and he starts humming your favourite song to you, he always says he can't sing but you thought he had an angelic voice.

After he's done with the song he starts playing with your hair and whispering affirmations in your ear like "you're safe", "you're doing good", "nothing can hurt you", "I'm here for you" and a few "I love you's" which makes your heart skip every time he says it but you felt so happy, safe and relaxed listening to the fireplace and John's gentle and soft voice.

And you just let your eyes shut, falling asleep feeling relaxed and safe while laying on his chest with your hand on his heart, and he plants a kiss on your forehead. And soon enough he fell asleep too holding You tight, You were so happy to be asleep in his arms even if it didn't mean that much to him, but what you didn't know that it meant so much to him, the fact that he can comfort you made him feel happy because he was in love with, you but you didn't know that yet.
The end

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