Blue x dust

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Blue was are you up to *holding his knife against blues chest while the other rapping around his chest from below while giving him a kiss on the cheek *
*lightly chuckling as blue guided dust hand and knife to the counter while he twirl with dust other hand and interlocking there fingers together in the air* nothing much just reading through the cook books.
*dust grabs blue's hand now free from the knife and spins him into his arms* your rather dancie today? *slowly puts his hand down blues pants *
*moaning* well of course I love to dance in your arms.
*Dust press his thumb on blue's lips gently sliding down as he cores his pelvis* would you like to dance till you drop?
*Blue grabs dust shirt causing him to pull his hand out of blues pants as blue grabs both of dust hands while blue grabs dust knife with his free hand gently cutting dust shirt without hurting him* I gladly accept the offer but you had a long day so I'm going to be the dominant one for the day.
Berry can you let go my arms around getting tired .
But of course *rubbing dust ribs as he puts the knife back where it belongs *
*Dust rips blues pants off (lucky ink can fit them )  and takes his own off and sits on the kitchen chair (it was their one home so they don't worry about surprise visitors)* ok I'm waiting my baby blue *with is love maker fully formed * *blue didn't need to be told twice he summoned a female body and got on top of dust completely used to the pain thanks to their many times love making and practice*
Whenever your ready blue. Dust said in a horny yet relax voice
*blue's started off slow in a steady rhythm*
Blue...go ...faster... please! *in a panting begging tone*
As you wish *dust grabs blue's hips as blue bounce faster and harder while dust helps him go deeper until blue hits his sweet spot*
AAAHHH! Dust right there! *Blue shouts in pleaser* *dust grabs blue's hips and lifts him up and slamming blue down (but not hard enough to cause damage)* aaaahhhhh! *blue screams as he climax all over him and dust lightly as dust grunts feeling his juice in his lover* *blue light collapses on dust feeling completely exhausted and dust gently carrying him to the bed and cover them up to sleep * night baby blue *dust kiss blues forehead *
Night dusty blue says before completely falls asleep dust smiles lightly.

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