Ccino x passive nightmare x corrupt nightmare (fluff)

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Knock knock
Nightmare! What are you doing here?!
It's the nearest place I could think of to recover.
Come inside.'re officially quiet ccino it's not like you.
I'm just empty.
What's making you this way?
Things have been going bad for my cafe not because of you but for the economy in my au as well as food related things.
What do you mean?
There's a coffee shortage and humans are trying to band monster food from being sold even though we tell them over and over that it's just food three shops have been shut down and mine is not far away I'm probably gonna have to leave my au and I don't want that my au is one of the rarest mercy timelines and my friends and patrons are all i have left after the government took my rescued cats away all because I'm a monster and with you gone more and more it feels like my world is ending.
Don't say that ccino I wish you sent me a letter your my top priority I could have saved your cats. I'll make sure you and your citizens are well taken care off.
I will tell you this your not doing it in your condition go rest.
*Smile * ok my dear.
2 days
Where do you think your going?!
Going to help you and your citizens.
In your condition no your not.
I can handle it.
One you are injured the last thing you need is an infection in your bones. Two you're not very convincing to be a king in that form with your clothes.
I have royal clothes and I won't get sick i have you by my side.
You know I can't be with you when you try to convince them I'll become a target.
I know and it's ok ccino can you wait for me a little longer?
I can.*softly rest his head in nightmares hands*
*kiss his forehead and whisper in his nonexistent ear * make sure you have clean clothes tonight.
*blush* nightmare I'll appreciate that but I want more than that I want you to say with me for a week.
I'll give you the rest of the month it will be a mini vacation.
Just don't make me sore on my work days and make sure it's the best protection I'm not ready for kids.
I understand I can wait and I promise to be with you throughout your pregnancy and I hope to be a good parent.
Nightmare your life has been messy enough you don't have to be a parent to prove that you're a good person.
Are you saying that just because of my mistake with killer and crescent?
Crescent is not a mistake nightmare with every passing day you learn and grow and you have grown.
But crescent hates me.
He doesn't hate you and he never will give him time he will come around to you.
Every day you reassure me i fall in love with you all over again and I don't want it to stop.
You better get good Nighty.
See you tonight.

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