Ccino x error (fluffy)

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Bell ring

Hello welcome to the cafe please take a seat and I'll be right over.
...takes a seat at the corner of the cafe
May I take your order mr...
Error I'll take an expresso and a sandwich
Ok what kind of sandwich?
Grilled cheese
Ok I'll have your order out mr.error
Few minutes later
Error has crashed
Sir are you ok?!
Error has rebooted
You ok mr error?
Ya I just crashed someone bumped into me and triggered (im not going to try to type it) my fear of touch.
Do you need a doctor or water?
No I'll be ok but thanks for caring
Of course your my customer after all
Oh before you leave to tend to other costumers
Error kiss ccino's forehead
Ccino blushes
Now you can tend to the costumers
After ccino left error felt a chill up his spin and a dark presents and swallowed his pride as he sweats nervously and turns around to see nightmare giving him a death glares with his arms crossed
Well I want to hear it
Sorry nightmare I didn't realize he was your crush
Nightmare sighs and teleports back to his seat where nightmare watches ccino deliver food and drinks error sighs in relief that he's only friend isn't to mad at him for accidentally crushing on his crush.

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