Red as Blood

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Y/n walks up to the front desk. It's her first day as a doctor in the Fire Nation Mental Asylum, other known as FNMA. FNMA is the most well-known mental hospital in all of the Fire nation.

"Hello, I'm L/n, I'm here to work in the asylum?" She calls out to the lady at the front desk. The lady looks up, stares at Y/n for a moment before remembering that the hospital had decided to hire a new psychiatrist.

"Ah yes L/n! It's amazing to meet you," She welcomes with a wide smile. Y/n grins back at her.

"We were very happy to have you on board," The lady states, standing up from her seat at the front desk. She picks up a pen and clipboard before making her way to Y/n. " My name is Aiko, by the way. I'm a nurse here but I mostly work at the front desk. I have the best handwriting." Aiko jokes, nudging L/n on the shoulder.

Y/n giggles. She knows the reputation doctors have for their bad handwriting. She herself is an example of this stereotype as she has had several complaints for her handing writing on her charts.

Aiko is a petite woman with shoulder length brown hair and bright brown eyes. She is of small stature, but Y/n can tell she has a sort of spunk to her only women with good life experiences could have. Her perfume is intoxicating, the smell of lavender with a hint of vanilla filling Y/n's nose. It was pleasant, but not a scent she would have chosen herself.

The walls of the asylum look fairly new. They were painted off-white with portraits of flowers hung up. Y/n can also see signs with encouraging messages.

'Believe in yourself!'

'You can do it'

The usual. Even as a therapist, Y/n didn't believe these signs did anything for someone trying to kill themselves. She's come to terms with the fact that these signs were merely up there for decorum rather than actual encouragement.

"There is one thing though," Aiko said. "You're assigned to Lady Azula." Y/n stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes widen as she furrows her brows. Turning, Y/n looks at Aiko with a face that read 'Are you serious?'

"Really?" She asks, scoffing in disbelief.

"Yes, a challenging case. If you'd like any assistance or any way out--"

"No! It's fine!" Y/n replies, shaking her hands, a gesture she often uses to say 'no'. "I must try and work with any patient, no matter how difficult they are."

Y/n has two reasons for agreeing to such a difficult case. One would be that denying her first case on her first day was a sure way of getting herself fired. Another reason, however, would be that she secretly  has been wanting to work with the princess ever since you heard of the girl's condition. Y/n remembers the day she heard of the infamous princess falling ill to a mysterious disease that caused her to see visions of her forgotten mother. Legend says that the Princess fell into tears during the last Agni Kai, an emotion her own brother had never seen from her.

Y/n has always enjoyed the minds of criminals, so this presents itself as a great opportunity.

Aiko looks at Y/n with a worried expression. But, she continues walking her down the white tiled floor to a wooden door, the doctor's lounge.

Aiko and Y/n went inside, sitting down on a leather couch together as they both wait for the head doctor to enter the room.

"Hello Dr. L/n, I am Dr. Kim, head of the mental health department here at this hospital," Kim says, taking the clip board and pen from Aiko. "I am sure Aiko already told you who she is so let's get to the point. The lady is currently in restraints but this doesn't mean that she isn't dangerous. If anything happens and you need help, you have to shout fire. That is the code made for the princess ever since the incident with her last therapist." The doctor kept going on and on about how to do this and how to do that and all these safety things.

When he finally finished Y/n was on her way to the princess's cell. Though Y/n shouldn't call her the princess of the fire nation as her title was revoked.

Dr. Kim gave Y/n an encouraging nod before opening the door to the patient's room.

"Hello," Y/n heard the princess say as she entered the room.

It was so beautiful you'd think Azula's title was never revoked.

Her room was large, very large. The walls were painted red with gold trims lining the outside. Y/n can see a scintillating chandelier hanging from the ceiling, with diamonds, and other jewels hanging around it. Her bed was, however, the best part of this gorgeous room. A canopy bed, with red curtains. Everything in her room seems to be red. Crimson red, blood red. There was a couch. A red couch, of course, and on it was Azula.

She stares at you with her gold-piercing eyes. Wow, they did not lie about her beauty. She was beautiful. Her black raven hair covered her pale white face, framing her v-shaped jaw perfectly. Her gold eyes were like dark hooks for the soul, staring into Y/n like she was prey and Azula predator. She is a sight to behold.

Azula wore a white dress, a large contrast to the red room. Y/n supposes it was the uniform all patients had to wear, regardless of status or wealth. But it did not do much to hide the figure of the woman in front of her. Her chest is plump, her waist small, and her hips slightly wider than the waist. Even though Azula is sitting down, everyone could see that her figure was not one to be laughed at.

"Hello Lady Azula, It's an honor," Y/n says, responding to the princess. "How have you been?" She ask as she sits down in front of the girl.

"Wonderful!", Azula answers in a sarcastic tone. She gives Y/n a glance, raising her eyebrows condescendingly.

Y/n only smiles at her, not allowing Azula to think she had won. Azula looks at her new therapist strangely, furrowing her brows at the response.

"Don't smile," She says with a raised eyebrow.

"Isn't it okay if I smile? It was funny," Y/n responds, scoffing slightly. Azula only stares the girl up and down, raising a brow in a manner Y/n couldn't read.

"Here," Y/n calls out to the girl. "I brought you a present."

The raven-haired girl looks at her doctor, curiosity filling her cat-shaped eyes.

"What do you think?" Y/n asks Azula, pulling the object out of her pocket.

"It's an apple," Azula looks down at the object, then crawls her eyes up to the face of the girl in front of her. "Do you think this is a joke?"

"Of course not!" The doctor responds. "Why would you think such a thing?"

"Usually when I get a present, it's far more... lavish."

"Not all gifts have to be lavish, my lady," Y/n smirks, placing the apple on Azula's hand. "Does this apple remind you of anything?"


Azula doesn't say what she was thinking. She simply just looks at the doctor and shrugs her shoulders. Something that would've given her a beating if her father had seen.

"A pie?"

"Anything else?"

"What else is there?"

"Nostalgia," The doctor responds calmly. "I've heard the Fire Nation palace prides itself on its abundance of apple trees."

"Does it?"

Of course, it does. The Fire Nation's royal garden is full of them. Azula thinks.

"It does," The doctor smiles. "What childhood memories do you have that involve an apple? Can you list them all?"

"Oh well," Azula responds, sighing as she leans into her chair. "We're should I begin."

She says, deciding to entertain this new therapist a bit more.

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