Past Times

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Day 2

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.


Eat lunch.


Eat dinner.


Day 3

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.


Eat lunch.


Eat dinner.


That was the schedule Y/n had followed for the past two days. Simply put, she was tired. Not only that, she was bored. Y/n had nothing but work to do. She doesn't think she had worked this much in her life.

Y/n sighs as she walks into the library, hoping that she'd find something worth her time to read.

Y/n closes her eyes for a moment, then ponders at the thought that today is the last day the three of them were going to be alone. After that, the royal family would come back.

The doctor ties her (h/c) (h/l) hair back into a ponytail, leaving only two strands to frame her face. She looks around the library before picking up a book about Psychology.

The Laws of Human Nature.

Y/n smiles at this find. She had heard of this book before, and her professors had recommended it. However, she had never had a chance to read it. Not until now.

She continues to analyze the cover, thoroughly enjoying what she was reading. She was soon interrupted by a cough from the other side of the room.


"Toph," Y/n responds with a grin.

"Whatcha reading?" Toph inquires. She comes closer.

"A psychology book," The doctor replies, looking back at the book. She continues to read the back, then opens the book to start reading the first chapter. She settles into her reading. It's been a while since she found a book that truly caught her interest.

"Why do you like psychology?" Beifong asks, genuinely curious. "I always found it incredibly boring."

"I want to help people," Y/n's happy she's able to share her interests with someone else.

"Is that all?"

"No," Y/n says. "Psychology makes it easier to know when to trust people."

"Well, isn't that just ruining the fun of living?"

Y/n chuckles. "If that's how you want to think of it. However, I think that psychology makes it easier to navigate through life. I don't like not knowing."

Toph nods thoughtfully, taking in Y/n's words deeply.

"Why are you here, Chief?" Y/n questions. "You usually train at this hour."

"Can't train if Azula keeps hogging the training ground," Toph scoffs. "You'd think she'd stop after an hour, maybe 2, but 6? Why does anyone need to train for 6 hours?"

"6 hours?" I told her not to overtrain herself.

"Yeah 6," Toph pouts in annoyance. "You can see her out that window."

As Toph points to the window, Y/n makes her way past numerous bookshelves, her steps careful and quiet. With each step, she feels her heart rate increase, a sense of curiosity and (for some reason) excitement building within her as she draws herself closer to the window. She peaks out the window and down to the training grounds and sees Azula's figure.

Blue flames rush through the girl's hands, dancing beautifully under Azula's control. With every move of the girl's feet, the flames follow. Azula controls them, they have no autonomy over how or where they move.

Y/n is in awe of this beautiful performance. She had never seen a sight as beautiful as the one before her.

"I just don't get it," Toph exhales. "How could someone waste such talent."


"It's a waste she fought against us and not with us," The Earthbender's face contorts with displeasure. "I loathed her back then, and not because of the reason you'd believe."

Y/n nods for the girl to continue, however, she can't keep her eyes away from the Firebender.

"I understand why she was against us. A war is a war, there will always be opposing sides. But I hated how she chose, no had, to fight with someone who only viewed her as a weapon. Now people hate her, many want her head on their plate. She could be so much more. An advisor, a general, but no. She can't because of the public."

"It's not just the public," Y/n chimes in. "It's the people closest to her. Her brother, her sister-in-law, and even her mother. None of them truly trust her. She is all alone in this world."

"She has you," Toph smiles.

"Yeah," Y/n scoffs. If only she'd let me in.

(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, but here's the next chapter!)

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