Happy Endings (Conclusion)

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Y/n wakes up with an aching pain in her head. She flutters her eyes open, squinting at the bright light shining above her. The doctor, in a moment of discomfort, softly groans as she massages her temples with her fingers. She notices how coarse they feel and looks down to see them in white bandages. Intrigued, she looks at the rest of her body to see her abdominal region bandaged as well.

"Y/n?" A voice says frantically. "Y/n? Can you hear me?"

Then, a sudden sharp pain in her lower abdomen causes her to clench her fists. She turns her head in the direction of the voice and spots Azula. Her hair is tangled and her skin looks unwashed. What happened?

Just as Y/n opens her mouth, the princess shuts it quickly. "Don't speak, you might damage the progress we've made."

The doctor nods in confusion, looking around the room to see that she is in the palace infirmary. To her left is the entrance to the hospital, and to the right is the waiting area. A giant curtain acts as a wall around her bed. She shuts her eyes and lays down, resting on the soft pillow behind her.

"You were stabbed," Azula says, placing a wet towel on Y/n's forehead. "By an attacker."

"What?" Y/n whispers.

"I told you not to speak," Azula scolds, looking down at the girl. She nods her head in false irritation. "We found him. He was one of Huang's associates."

Y/n nods, "What happened to everyone else?"

"My," Azula responds. "You truly love breaking the rules, don't you? I told you not to speak. But if you had to know, everyone else was fine. Only you and a few Kyoshi warriors were injured, though you received the worst of the injuries."

The princess stops, looking down at Y/n's eyes, and then crying a silent sob. She lays her head down next to Y/n's right side and cries into her arms. She whispers," I'm sorry Y/n. This was all my fault."

"What do you mean?" Y/n speaks out, a sharp pain on her side stopping her. "You could have never known this would happen to me. None of this was your fault."

"Stop...talking," Azula says, in between sobs. She sits back up, wiping away her tears quickly. "There is one more thing."

"What is it?" Y/n asks, looking at the Princess with curiosity.

"They know," Azula says softly. "About us."

"Who knows?"

"You know...them," The Princess says, making a pointing motion towards a lady in blue.

Y/n looks at the girl, squinting for a moment before realizing that it was Katara. Suddenly, a rush of memories floods her mind. She recalls waking up for a moment in the water bender's arm, a tender smile in front of her. She remembers the feeling of cold water on her side, easing her pain.

"I suppose I have a lot to thank Katara for," Y/n says.

"You remember?"

"I remember a little,"

The doctor watches as the water bender finishes up her charts. Katara turns around slowly, only to notice Y/n awake and well. "Y/n!" She cries out, walking towards the doctor's hospital bed. "Did I just hear you talk? You shouldn't be speaking. You need to rest."

"I wanted to thank you," Y/n lets out. "For saving my life. I don't know how I can ever repay you."

"Maybe with some new spirit water," Another voice says. Y/n turns her head to the left, only to see Toph walking through the entrance door. "Hey shrink, how ya' doing?"

Y/n gives out a soft giggle. "Hello Toph. I'm as good as I can be given that I was stabbed."

"Don't worry, the bastard who did that to you is going to rot in Boiling Rock for what he did." Toph smiles proudly. "I caught him myself."

"No one else could," The doctor smiles. "Nasty little thing he is. Scared the living shit out of me."

A collective soft giggle filled the air as Azula smiled and gently took Y/n's bandaged hand, tenderly kissing the doctor's knuckles. 

"I heard you were awake," Another voice says. "It's good to see you again, Y/n."

Firelord Zuko walked into the hospital room, looking regal in his fine robes.

"Firelord," Y/n responds with a slight nod. "Thank you for letting me stay at this palace."

"Yes," Zuko replies. "However, there is one thing I have to mention."

"That is?"

"You are no longer Azula's doctor," Y/n's eyes widen as she turns to look at the Princess. However, all Azula does is give the doctor a soft smile. "But you are allowed to stay at this palace as Azula's girlfriend."

"Really?" Y/n's eyes twinkle with happiness.

"I've never seen Azula like this," Zuko says with a smile. "She must really care for you. She hasn't left your side since the incident."

"Ugh," From behind the giant curtains, a voice chimed in. Katara rolled her eyes playfully and pulled open the hospital room curtains, unveiling Sokka in a bed, a bandage wrapped around his head. "Oogies."

"What are you doing here, Sokka?" Y/n questions, turning her head to the side. "I thought everyone was safe."

Suki sighs as she stands up next to her boyfriend. "After Sokka saw you stabbed, he passed out."

Y/n burst into laughter, and soon the whole room joined in, the shared joy lightening the atmosphere. "Of course he did."

"L/n?" Another voice calls out to her.

"So many people love me," Y/n giggles as she gives Azula a wink. The Princess rolls her eyes.

Ty Lee and Mai entered the hospital wing, with Ursa following closely behind. Their gazes shifted from Y/n to the intertwining of Azula's hand with hers. Ursa smiled tenderly as she placed a large, beautiful flower bouquet next to the doctor's bedside.

"For your recovery," She says with a smile.

"Thank you,"

"L/n?" Dara's form emerges. "You're awake!"

"Why would you care," Sokka questions, earning a playful slap from Suki.

Dara smiles and lets out a chuckle. "Any friend of Azula's is a friend of mine."

Y/n looks at Azula, smiling at the princess before giving her a long and passionate kiss. 

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