The Avatar is Here!

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"You look beautiful Azula! Don't worry!" Y/n says giving Azula a sincere smile. 

"Yes I know," She responded making Y/n laugh in amusement. "However, when I stand next to you, I look only ordinary."

Y/n stares at Azula in surprise, her face getting redder by the minute. This does not go unnoticed by the raven-haired girl. She laughs in hilarity.

When they arrived at the door of the dining room, Fire Nation guards opened the doors gracefully.

There, Y/n saw everyone. She first laid her eyes upon Prince Iroh, who turned his head at the door as soon as he heard it open. He gave the two a warm smile. She had overheard that the Prince made a tea shop in Ba Sing Se, a rumor that had amused Y/n back when she was a pre-med student. She didn't believed it was true, but now seeing Iroh face to face, she would not doubt that story for a second.

Avatar Aang, his wife Katara, and their firstborn Bumi sat close to Iroh. They smiled warmly at each other, both clearly in love and unable to get their hands off of one another. They too turned their heads to the sound of the door opening. However, unlike the kind smile given to Y/n by Iroh, Katara gave them a snarl of disgust and resentment.

This hurt Y/n. She had been very fond of the stories she had heard of the two love birds. They were rather famous, being the Avatar and his wife after all. Y/n admired Katara, as the water bender was the best healer in the world. She read books on how Katara was the best anyone would find. A rumor said that Katara was blessed by the moon goddess herself, for she was not only a great healer but a master water bender as well.

The Avatar looked at Y/n with pity. But what for? Y/n couldn't tell.

It hit her suddenly.

She was standing next to Azula after all.

No one in this room thought very fondly of the former Princess.

Y/n turned her head to see Chief Toph Beifong. A legend indeed. The blind bandit invented metal bending at the ripe age of 12. She had gotten her new title as Chief of the Police Force in Republic City, a coveted title by many. Beifong didn't turn her head at the sound of Azula and Y/n entering. She couldn't see anyways.

Y/n looked over at Councilmen Sokka, who was having the time of his life getting drunk. He was drinking down bottles of Cataus juice while making everyone laugh. However, he was too intoxicated to notice the new aura that set around the room.

Kyoish Warrior Suki stared at Azula, worry and disdain visible. She then turned her eyes to Y/n, curiosity replacing animosity.

"Please, don't let us interrupt your conversations," Y/n said as she bowed deeply. She could hear Azula scoff.

The two went and sat down next to Council member Sokka, who looked at Y/n curiously.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" He said raising one of his eyebrows. A scent of alcohol was visible on his breath. His wife scolds him for his rude comment, slapping the man's arm.

"She's Dr. Y/n L/n," Zuko said. Azula's therapist."

"Yes, she needs one," Katara said flashing a glare at Azula who returned one of her own.

"So do you," Azula smiled at Katara, giving her a mockingly warm smile.

"Did I go insane? No,"

"Did you kill your mom, yes,"

This enraged Katara.

"At least my dad loved me," The water bender yelled. "Your dad only thought of you as a weapon!"

"Oh, good one!" Azula laughs. "Nice shot!"

"I think we're gonna need more of this," Y/n tells a servant who instantly fills up Azula and her cups.

The raven-haired girl picks up her glass and chugs the wine, not leaving a single drop. She gestures for a refill.

"Azula if you get drunk,"

"I won't," She looks at Y/n. "I know how to handle my wine."

"Katara, please," Aang looked at his wife with pleading eyes.

"She started it," Katara yells in response, also taking a sip of her wine.

"How childish," Azula pokes. "You'd think raising a child would teach you some maturity."

"Enough!" Zuko yells, Azula stops. "Leave my guests alone."

"I didn't want to be here in the first place!"

Y/n places a hand on Azula's lap, which causes the former princess to lose her breath. She looks at her doctor in surprise.

However, this small gesture does not go unnoticed by the wise Prince.

"My, what an interesting pairing," Iron whispers under his breath.

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