Preparations for the Speech

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(A/N) Sorry, this chapter took so long!! I had so many finals😕 It's finally summer!!)

"This is completely and utterly useless," Azula complains, throwing her head back onto her pillow. She lets out a deep sigh.

Y/n watches Azula with genuine concern. The toll of preparing for the speech is evident in Azula's appearance—her eye bags more pronounced than ever and her once-tidy hair is now tangled and unkempt. Y/n offers Azula a sympathetic smile, hoping to provide some comfort, but her gesture is met with an exasperated eye roll.

"I don't understand why the council needs me to make a speech," The girl vents out, her frustration visible. "It's not like they'll listen anyways."

"Maybe they will," Y/n suggests. "Why don't you just read me the speech? I can give you some feedback. I have a PhD, you know."

"No," Azula states. "I'm not worried about the speech, just about what the public will say."

Y/n nods understanding Azula's anxiety. She reaches out a comforting hand and gently places it on Azula's cheek. Her thumb caressed the other girl's face.

"You'll do well, I promise," Y/n replies. She gives Azula a genuine smile, one which Azula reciprocates. Azula presses against Y/n's hand, leaning towards her palm with a sigh of comfort.

Azula looks up at the doctor, "With everything going on, I always seem to be able to find comfort in you."

"And I'll always be there to comfort you," Y/n's loving eyes meet Azula's, a warm smile appearing on her face. "No matter what."

Their lips crashed together, sharing a loving and passionate kiss. They pull back and smile at each other. 

A knock on the door interrupts the two girls. They separate from their kiss with annoyance.

"Yes?" Azula questions.

"My lady," A soft female voice calls out. "Will you join the Firelord and his friends for supper?"

"No, I do not wish to be interrupted in such a state," She replies, rubbing her temples in stress. Suddenly, her face lights up. She turns to the door and then looks at Y/n. "On second thought, yes. Maybe being with the Avatar and his so-called 'gaang' will give me some inspiration for this speech."

"What?" Y/n questions. Her eyes widened in confusion and shock. She starts stuttering. "B-But what a-about the"

"Oh shush," Azula smiles at her lover. "Don't make a fuss. I'll be ready in a moment."

She gives Y/n a peck on the cheek, running out of the room to get ready for dinner.

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