Trapped in the Closet

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As Y/n walks down the palace halls, the warm glow of the torches on the walls illuminates her features. Her beaming smile catches the attention of the guards stationed along the corridors, who can't help but smile in response. Her arms are wrapped tightly around a book, as if it's a precious treasure she's been searching for all her life.

She inhales deeply, taking in the sweet and delicate fragrance of the blooming fire lilies that line the walls. The scent fills her nostrils and invigorates her senses. With her eyes closed, she savors the moment, enjoying the simple pleasures of life that often go unnoticed by others. The gentle swish of her skirt echoes through the halls as she makes her way to her room. She can't wait to curl up on her bed with her newly acquired book and lose herself in its pages. The day has been nothing short of amazing, from receiving a letter from Azula to having her favorite meal for breakfast. And now, finding her favorite book in the new library section, her heart feels contented.

Y/n opens her eyes and looks up at the ceiling, offering a silent prayer of gratitude for this beautiful day. She then continues down the halls, humming a tune under her breath and feeling grateful for the small joys that make life worth living.

As she continues walking down the halls, an arm grabs her and drags her into a dark room. Y/n gasps in horror, dropping her book in the process. Her eyes widen with shock, but she soon calls down when soft lips come crashing down onto her. She smiles in amusement and kisses back, her arms wrapping around the other girl's neck. Y/n pulls away.

"Why hello," She raises a brow. "This wasn't the greeting I expected."

She hears a soft giggle come out of Azula's mouth. "I've been looking all over for you. The meeting with Zuko was so stupid."

Azula's lips crash back onto Y/n's, her hands roaming around the doctor's body. Y/n lets out a soft moan as Azula reaches the center of her chest.

"Azula, we're in a closet," Y/n breathes out, her head leaning against the wall.

"And my name is Azula," The girl replies quickly, rushing to take off the doctor's shirt.

"Nice meeting you, Azula," Y/n replies. "I believe we'll be g-good friends."

Her breath hitches as Azula clips off her bra, leaving her out for full view. The raven-haired girl's eyes widen with excitement. She places her mouth on Y/n's nipple, sucking on it. She twirls her tongue around the breast, causing Y/n to shake with pleasure.

A small 'plop' sound is heard when Azula lets go of the nipple. She slowly kisses her way down Y/n's stomach, stopping right in front of her pants.

A knock comes on the door. "Is anyone in there?"

As footsteps approach the closet, Y/n's breathing quickens and her eyes widen in fear. Azula senses her panic and quickly places her hand over Y/n's mouth, muffling any potential noise. The small closet suddenly feels even smaller as they both hold their breath, waiting for the person to leave them alone.

Azula's piercing golden eyes dart around the cramped space, looking for any potential escape route if needed. The fabric of Y/n's shirt brushes against Azula's arm as she leans in closer to make sure they stay hidden.

Azula's eyes widen when she remembers a secret passageway that she discovered when she was young. She pulls on Y/n's arm, dragging her across the small room. When she reaches the entrance, she pulls a lever which opens a small vent-style opening.

"Come on," Azula says, waving for Y/n to follow.

"This doesn't seem safe,"

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