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"It's been too long," Azula remarks in a panic; her gaze darting around the room in her best effort to keep herself calm.

"L/n is fine," Zuko responds to Azula, trying to calm his sister down. "I don't understand why you're so stressed about this. I've never seen you so worried."

"You've never known me, brother," Says the Princess in a harsh tone. "You've never truly known me. You don't know how I deal with stress or anxiety, with fear or heartache-"

"But I do! I've seen you break down, I've seen you panicked before father, but I've never seen you like... like this!"

Azula sighs and whispers under her breath, "Those things don't matter as much as this." However, the Firelord hears this. He scoffs, "You're saying you're more scared of what could happen to the doctor than when you stood before our tyrant of a father?"

"Yes," Azula whispers, nervously biting her fingernails. She brings her hand to her hair, gently tugging on individual strands, the slight sting giving her a sense of relief. The princess looks down at her chewed-off fingernails. She looks back up at the room, seeing Mai and her mother conversing in hushed conversation. She sees the Avatar and his wife hugging each other, disgusting Sokka in the process. Toph stood still near the door, listening to the noises outside. "Y/n is very dear to me."

"Dear to you?" Zuko responds in confusion. "Is there something I should know-"

"Zuko!" A scream is heard outside the door. "It's me, Suki!"

Toph swiftly swings the door open, revealing the Kyoshi warrior and the doctor's lifeless body. "What happened?!" Azula screams, running towards the body, grabbing hold of it, and hugging it in her grasp. "How could this happen?"

The princess clutches the lifeless body, tears streaming down her face as she sobs inconsolably. "What happened?" Katara questions Suki, standing up from her original position beside the Avatar and approaching Azula.

"We found her in the hallway, she was like this when we found her," Suki responds quickly, looking panicked. Her armor bore bloodstains, and her makeup was smeared from sweat. The Kyoshi warrior's breaths were ragged and rapid.

"Azula," Katara calls out. "Move."



"No, I'm not going to-" 

"I said move! I have a bottle of water from the spiritual lake in the Northern Water Tribe. I used it to save Aang, I think I can do the same with L/n."

Azula looks at the water bender, then nods slowly. She moves away, her sight never leaving the doctor. She watches as Katara pulls out a small vile full of water. She opens the cap and uses her water-bending abilities to extract the water out of the bottle. The water glows in the waterbender's hand as she slowly but precisely places the water onto Y/n's wound. Azula looks at Katara in worry but the waterbender only nods in assurance. 

The princess inhales a big breath, her face full of worry. Suddenly, a loud gasp pierces the air. The doctor opens her eyes for just a moment before closing them again and falling into Katara's grasp. 

"She's alive," Katara smiles. "It will take her body a while to recover but she will live."

Azula suddenly bursts into tears as she falls onto the ground in sobs, the flood of pent-up emotions finally breaking free. She whispers 'thank you' under her breath. Katara hears this thanks and gives Azula a soft smile before handing Y/n's body to Azula.

"I think it's time you tell us what's going on," Zuko says, looking at Azula in curiosity. "Y/n and I are," Azula stops for a moment before speaking again. She looks up at her brother and then around the room. "We're lovers."

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