Such a Mess

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"Wow!" Y/n yells with amazement. "This is amazing!"

Azula had made some noodles in a spicy chicken broth. The aroma of spices made her lips curl with pleasure.

"I know," the girl smiles. "I told you it would be the best."

"It is,"

Azula hesitated for a moment. "Can I tell you something?"

Y/n looks at the girl with small smiles and nods. "Of course."

"This may seem immoral, but I wish that my brother would be gone forever. Then I can stay with you and not be pestered by his friends," Azula admitted, looking over at Y/n with a gentle smile.

Y/n blushes and looks down at her food, unsure of how to respond.

"Thank you,"

Despite the strange circumstances that brought the two together, the doctor couldn't help but also be glad for this arrangement.

After the two had finished their meals, Y/n looked at Azula with determination.

"I know what we should do,"

Azula stares at the girl strangely but nods for her to continue.

"We should make dessert!"

"We? Can you bake?"

"No, but you can,"

"Baking is different from cooking," Azula says to her doctor, hesitating on the idea. "I can't bake."

"You can learn," Y/n replies. "We have a recipe."

"Ok," The girl shrugs. "Let's try it out."

As they begin baking, they quickly realize that they were making a mess of things. Azula laughs as Y/n accidentally adds baking soda instead of sugar to the cake batter.

"No! You're supposed to put the sugar!" Azula exclaims while laughing. They wouldn't hear the end of it from the Royal Cook.

"You said baking soda!!" Y/n responds laughing her ass off.

"Oh Agni, just put it in the oven!" Azula declares, rolling her eyes but still smiling. Y/n walks over to the oven and puts the cake batter in.

After a couple of minutes, Y/n gets bored and looks at Azula.

"What do we do now?" Y/n inquires Azula with a questioning look.

Azula thought quietly, raising a hand to her chin. "Well,"

Suddenly, footsteps interrupt her train of thought.

"Azula, I thought you said everyone left," Y/n looks at her with serious eyes.

"They were supposed to!" She whispers.

"No need to hide from me Princess, oh and her shrink," Proclaims a sarcastic voice.

"Oh no," Azula slaps her forehead. "Not that one."

"So," The voice called out. "What are we making?"

And with that, the shape of the master earth bender Toph Beifong appears in front of their very eyes.

"Nothing of your concern," Azula replies sternly. Why did she have to ruin this? The girl thinks with annoyance and disappointment.

"It's okay," Toph smirks. "I already heard you laugh, no need to be so cold."

"A cake," Y/n smiles. "But I don't think it'll taste very good. Azula and I can't bake, but she can cook! She's really good."

"Y/n," Azula warns, and the doctor quiets down and lowers her head.

"Huh," Toph looks at Azula. "Didn't think you were the cooking type, Princess."

"Stop patronizing me, my title has been revoked."

"Even if your title was revoked," Toph walks towards the counter. "You're still Princess by blood. I may seem like a dirty 'peasant' girl but I was raised in a noble family. I know the worth of blood."

Azula nods slightly and turns around to look back at the heating oven.

"I'll taste it and give you a rating,"

"No!" Y/n yells loudly. "It going to be bad, I fucked it up!"

The doctor's eyes widen.

"I'm sorry Chief,"

Silence fills the room, then suddenly a loud laugh.

"Oh, L/n!" Toph smiles. "You're funny."

Beifong struts towards the counter and sits down on top of it.

"I do have to wonder," Azula starts. "Why didn't you go on the trip?"

"Why should I?" Toph replies. "I can't see anyways."'

Suddenly, a loud ring interrupts their conversation. Azula runs over to the oven and smiles when she sees the fully baked cake.

"Okay," Azula sighs in defeat. "Let's all have a bite."

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