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-Elizabeth's POV-

It have been two long weeks with Meliodas trying to kiss me and things. He is asking me for dates like every day. We have been on 32 dates since that night two weeks ago.

My period have still not come, if it isn't here in three days, I will kick Meliodas ass.

I sighed as I felt arms around me as I was on my way to school. Lips was on my cheek as I pulled away from it.

"Meliodas, I already told you. No kisses." I said and heard him groan. Then he announced "I know, but from now on, I don't care anymore. I'm gonna do it even if you don't like it."

"Well, then I'm gonna avoid you even if you don't like it. So if you excuse me." I spoke and got out of his grip.

"You're not serious. Even if you was you wouldn't avoid me long enough." Meliodas said as he walked right behind me. All I did was walking away from him. I really do mean it.

"Fineeeeeeee, no kisses! But in return, I want to go on a date with you."

"Meliodas, look, I love to spend time with you, but this is too much! All these dates and stuff is stressing me out! Besides that, I still haven't had my period and it should have started for a half week ago!" I snapped. He looked at me seriously before asking "Do you think... you are pregnant?"

"Of course I do! I mean, why wouldn't I miss my period and we had sex unprotected!" I yelled. He gave me an even more serious look before asking "Then if you are, what will we do? I don't want a child. I don't ever want children, so you have to do abort."

"Do you think I want a child?! I'm just 16! Why would I want a child?! You are the one who didn't use protection!" I yelled.

"Well, I didn't think of it then! Did you think about protection?! If you didn't, why do you think I would have done it?!" Meliodas yelled back.

"We was in your home and it was you who started it! You shouldn't start anything if you don't even have protection!" I yelled back.

"So it's my fault only?! You was the one who continued it! You could have stopped it anytime, yet you decided to continue!" He yelled.

"I thought you had protection! If you didn't even want a child, then why didn't you buy some protection before?!"

"So it's only my fault, is it?! That's so you! It's never your fault, but others! You know what?! This is it! There is no more us, we are done! I break up with you!" He yelled, making me yell "Good! I never even wanted to get together with you anyways you hormonal shortie!"

I turned around and walked away.

"I hate him. I hate him so much." I mumbled as I went home. I don't feel like school. Not at all.

Opening the door, I went inside and smashed it close.

"Elizabeth? Why are you hom-" Father asked, but I just stomped upstairs. I want to be alone. As I smashed the door close to my room, I laid down in bed and seared at my wall.

It didn't take long before it knocked on the door. I hadn't even time to give an answer before it opened and someone sat down on the bed behind me.

"Elizabeth? What's wrong? Shouldn't you be in school?"  Father asked. I just stared at the wall in silence, getting the questions "How are you feeling? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Not being able to hold it in much longer, I yelled "No! I'm not okay! I hate this! I hate him!"

"What's wrong Elizabeth? Tell me." Father said with a calm voice. I sat up and hugged him, tears now forming in my eyes. I didn't even think, just told him everything "Meliodas made me pregnant and we argued about it. Then we broke up because he wouldn't take responsibility for it at all. I hate him father, I hate him!"

He rubbed my back as I cried onto him. Once I had calmed down and I was merely sobbing, I just said "I don't know what to do, father. What will I do? What should I do?"

He sighed and spoke "Have you taken a pregnancy test? They are pretty accurate when coming to this."

Shaking my head slowly, I mumbled "N-no, but I haven't had my period yet a-and it makes me really stressed. It means I am pregnant now, right?"

"I don't know Elizabeth, but let's just start with getting a test for you. I will go and buy it. Stay home and rest, I will make your favourite food today."

I nodded as father went out and closed the door. Laying down in bed, I stared up the ceiling.

I hate you, Meliodas. I will always do.

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