The last moments

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-Meliodas' POV-

Elizabeth came out, crying. Worried, I went up to her and asked "What was it?"

"It-it's positive. W-we will be parents." She answered, making me smile and hug her. My biggest dream is coming true! To have my own family!

"I love you Elizabeth, I love you!" I said and hugged her. She smiled and said "I love you too Meliodas. I can't wait for this!"

We spent the next half hour, crying and talking about how excited we were. I can't believe we will have a child. I'm so happy about it.

. . . . .

Elizabeth was watching me, not even blinking. I had my daily pills in hand and a glass of water in my other.

I slowly put the pills in my mouth and drank some water. I felt one after one of the pills go down my throat until they all had. Knowing Elizabeth, she will probably check my mouth after, I don't have a choice than to swallow them.

Once I put down the glass of water on the table, Elizabeth went over to me, saying "Open your mouth."

I did as told and she held my chin and face as she looked in different angles after any pills. After five minutes or more of looking, she let go of me and said "I hope you will feel better now Meliodas. You know you can talk about me any time, right?"

I nodded as she gave a big smile. Saying "Great."

. . . . .

I laid down with Elizabeth on my shoulder. Her arm was resting on my chest. I love these times before bed. Just having her close to me.

"Meliodas, how long have you known about your cancer?" Elizabeth suddenly asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Some years."

"Have you... ever been scared about how it will turn out?" She asked. We never really talked about this before, have she been wanting to know this since I told her about it?

"Yeah, when I first was diagnosed with it, I was really scared. I knew I probably never would have my dreams  come true." I answered. She nodded.

"Then, when did you accept it?" She asked. I sighed and said "Well, after a year, I was treated and the doctors thought I was healthy again, but then it came back. Since then, it was too late. I started cutting because it helped me think and in the end, I convinced myself it was just how life was."

"I won't let you continue cutting, you know?" She whispered, making me say "I know."

"Then... when did you get your other medicine?"

"Well, I was convinced to talk to a doctor when a friend found out about my self harm and the doctor gave me it. I rather cut though, it feels better."

She nodded and started stroking circles on my chest, asking "You was scared that you wouldn't be able to fulfill your dreams, right? So what was your dreams?"

"I have always wanted to marry someone and have a family, I never thought I would love someone after what happened with Liz though."

She nodded, then said "Let's fulfill your dreams then. Let's get married and have a happy family together."

I smiled and said "I really do love you, Elizabeth."

"I love you too Meliodas."

. . . . .

I really can't believe this is happening. We are really here. Elizabeth was in a white, beautiful dress and walking towards me with some flowers in hand.

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