Same question

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Bye!" I said.

"See ya!" Diane said.

"Bye bye!" Elaine said and we all walked separate ways. The school had just ended. I was about to go home when I remembered a thing in my locker.

I walked back in the school and to my locker. I opened it and took out my diary that I always take with me out and put it in my bag. In school, I always have my diary in the locker and home, I have it in a hide out place in my room.

I closed the looker and locked it, at the exact same time I turned around, I was pinned to the locker.

"Hey Elizabeth. Wanna hang out?" He asked.

"I need to go home. I need to help my father and study." I said calm.

"We can study together and I am sure someone is able to help your father at another way." He said.

"Sorry, I really need to." I said.

"Come on, just one time?" He asked.

"No, just let me be Meliodas." I said and pushed him back. Then I walked away. The last thing I heard was a heavily sign before I was outside the school.

"He is Estarossa's brother? He is as clingy as Estarossa, but doesn't look alike at all." I mumbled to myself. Then I heard footsteps behind me.

"So, wanna go on a date?" Meliodas voice said. I looked back to see Meliodas, but still walking. Then I looked back.

"Sorry." I said.

"Not anytime? I am always free." He said.

"No, sorry, but I don't know you." I said.

"But that's what it is for, to get to know each other." He said.

"Still, no." I said.

"Come on, just one date." He said.

"No." I said.

"Just one." He said.

"Nope." I said.

"Please." He said.

"No!" I said and reached my house. I walked in and smashed the door behind me in front of Meliodas.

"Hey, everything okay?" Margaret asked.

"I broke up with Estarossa and his brother is a irritating, clingy guy who asks me for dates." I said.

"What was it I said?! He is a cheater!" Veronica yelled at the same time she jumped out of the corner.

"Was you listening on our conversation?" Margaret asked.

"Maybe. Okay, so this 'ask me for dates guy', is he hot? Do you like him? You must like him! I bet he is your new crush!" Veronica said.

"No! I don't like him!" I yelled and walked up to my room.

I sat down and did my homework. After nearly be done, Margaret yelled for dinner.

"Dinner!" She yelled.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back and walked down the stairs. I come down and sat down. I started eating my food as Veronica and Margaret chatted. Father, like always, eat in his office and worked at the same time.

"So, Elizabeth, that guy, what's his name? You have a crush on him right?" Veronica asked.

"I. Don't. Have. A. Crush. On. Him!" I said and walked up to my room annoyed. I did the rest of my homework and made me ready for bed.

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