still self harming

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Meliodas hugged me tightly when I woke up. His face was inbetween my bare chest.

I wonder if I'm pregnant now...

I looked down at Meliodas. His cuts have still not healed fully yet, or at least the bigger ones. Does they hurt? They will probably leave scars too.

I slowly traced some of the scars he already had, thinking about all the things he has done to himself. It's truly horrible. My hand went up to his wounds that had yet not healed. They was much smaller now than before, but it's still so horrible. I can't believe he done all this to himself.

I hugged him back, pulling him into me as tight as I could. It doesn't matter how many times I see him like this, I'm never getting used to it. I never will and never want to.

Small bites was felt in my chest, making me pull away in surprise, but Meliodas just pulled me closer to him, kissing my skin.

I started giggling as he did before I whispered "Meliodas, stop. We need to eat breakfast."

He sighed and let go off me, but instead of getting up, he pulled the blanket over us and said "Later."

"Meliodas, I love you, but don't you think we have to get up? Maybe we should get a pregnancy test too, after all, we have done it some times already..." I spoke. That made him sit up, saying "Right! Let's go Elizabeth! I want to see if we will have a child or not!"

Giggling at how excited he was, I got up and went into the shower. It's been two weeks since Meliodas was at the hospital and it's nice living with him. I make sure he takes his pills every day and watch over him to see that he doesn't make any more self harm.

I have been looking for someone to help Meliodas with his suicidal thoughts and self harm thoughts, but I haven't found anyone. No therapist, no rehabilitation, nothing.

Meliodas came after me, turning on the water for us.

"If it's too hot, tell me." He whispered as he turned on the warm water. I nodded and said "Stop." as it become perfect. He did as told and reached for the shampoo. He put some in his hands and reached up to my hair, taking a handful of it and starting to rub the shampoo in it. I smiled as I took some shampoo myself and rubbed it in Meliodas' hair.

Once we both cleaned each other's hair, Meliodas just went closer and hugged me out of nowhere.

"I love you Elizabeth. I will always do." Meliodas whispered. Oh no, I know what's coming. He's having another mental breakdown.

"P-Please don't ever leave me Elizabeth. Y-you are the only thing keeping me alive right now. The only reason I want to live." He said, now crying. I stroke his hair, saying "I won't leave you Meliodas. I never will."

He nodded and slowly let go off me, wiping his tears over and over. Then he stopped and stared at something, making me follow his gaze.

The box he uses to hurt himself.

He went out of the shower, about to reach it when I stopped him.

"Meliodas, don't do this. Please. I don't want you to hurt yourself." I spoke.

"Just one cut Elizabeth. I need it, please let me cut myself. Just one time." Meliodas pleaded as I held his hands. I shook my head and pulled him into the shower again, quickly cleaning him off before pushing him out of the bathroom.

I have to throw these things away, but I don't know where or how. What if Meliodas just get new things?

Getting out of the bathroom, I put them on the highest shelf. He should have a hard time reaching for it, but it is still a possibility that he gets it anyways.

Once I was out, I saw Meliodas already dressed and was now looking at me. Feeling uncomfortable with his stare, I tried to hide myself as much as possible as I went to put on some clothes myself.

When I was done with my clothes and hair, I turned around to look after Meliodas.

He was gone.

"Meliodas?!" I yelled as I went into the bathroom, just to see him standing at the sink. His arm over it and a knife in hand, his sleeve pulled up. Blood was slowly dripping down his arm into the sink.

"Let go of that!" I yelled as I ran up to him and tried to stop the bleeding with a towel. His hand shook as he slowly put down the knife.

"Why do you do that still?! Shouldn't your medicine help you?! I give you it every morning!" I yelled.

"It feels good cutting. I don't want to take medicine anymore." He mumbled. I just grabbed the knife and let go of the towel, saying "Push it down."

He nodded and took over my position to push the towel to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding with the pressure.

I took the knife and the whole box with dangerous things and went out to the kitchen. I opened one of the lockable drawers and put it inside. Then I took all the knives, scissors and anything I could think of for Meliodas to hurt himself with, and put it inside, locking it and taking the key with me.

Then I went back to Meliodas and saw him still giving his wound pressure. With a small sigh, I just went to the bandages and started wrapping Meliodas' wound.

"Next time you hurt yourself, I won't let you be alone for even a minute." I whispered to him. He just nodded, then pulling something up from his pocket.

"Here is the pills I haven't taken." He said, showing pills he would have taken yesterday.

"The rest is in my nightstand." He mumbled, making me nod. I took the pills and immediately went to his nightstand, seeing pills he should have taken the last 13 days.

He never took any of the ones I gave him...

Meliodas came into the room, asking "Can we go now?"

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