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-Elizabeth's POV-

The whole lesson, Meliodas just played with my hair and did different hairstyles on me. I got really irritated and kicked his leg time after time to make him stop, but he continued and with a smirk. I was too irritated by that.

The two lessons after that was the same. When it was over, I got a text. I unlocked my phone and was about to read the text, but Meliodas took the phone from me.

"What are you doing?!" I asked.

"Diane? Who's that?" He asked. I couldn't believe how stupid he was.

"Uh, the brow haired girl that I was with the whole day." I said.

"Okay, then I can delete her." Meliodas said.

"What?! No!" I said and tried to get my phone, but he didn't give it to me.

"You can't delete her! She and Elaine are my only friends in school!" I said.

"But you don't need them now when you have me." Meliodas said.

"And done!" Meliodas said. That's when I took my phone back and looked at all my contacts. One was added, it was Meliodas number and Diane's was left.

"Okay, I didn't delete it. Now you need to give me a kiss." Meliodas said. I just walked away as he followed.

I got to my locker and took out my diary as always, but then Meliodas snatched that away too.

"This looks important to you, you walked back to your locker just for this yesterday." He said while looking at the cover of my dairy.

"Give me that back!" I said and tried to take it.

"Your diary? This will be fun to read." Meliodas said.

"Don't you dare!" I said.

"I won't read it if you give me a kiss." He said. I tried to take it, but didn't got it.

"Nuh ah, if you don't want me to read it, give me a kiss, if you want it back, then we will go home to me and from there, you let me take over." He said.

"Just give it back!" I yelled.

"Not if you don't come with me and do it." He said. Then he opened the book to the first page.

"Let's see, what do we have here?" He asked and looked down at the book.

"Okay, okay! I will give you a kiss." I said. At this moment, everyone had already left school to their homes.

"On the mouth." He said.

"On the mouth." I said and signed. Then I closed my eyes and leaned in. The next second, his lips was on my as he pulled me closer with his hand on my waist as the other was holding my dairy.

Then he pinned me to the locker as we separated for air. He dropped the dairy and then pinned my wrists to the lockers behind my head. Then he went in to the second kiss. His lips was on my, but this time, he tried to get his tongue in my mouth.

I tried to push him away, but it didn't work. Then his hand started to move from my wrist to my arm to my shoulders and down my waist. I gasped of surprise as he slide his tongue in my mouth.

He continued to slide down his had to the bottom of my sweater and then he started to get up under it. This time, I had one arm free and was able to push him back before he come too long in between my sweater and my body. Just some centimeters.

"You said one kiss! Not a making out season! Give me my diary now!" I said.

"But I would like to continue this a little longer and I said that I won't read your diary if you gave me a kiss. If you want it back, then we need to do more then a making out season." Meliodas told me. Then I pushed him away more, I tried to take my dairy, but he picked it up before me.

"Not without doing it." He said. I signed and started walking home. He followed me. I stopped and turned around.

"Why are you still following me?! You got two kisses!" I said.

"I am following because I still haven't gotten a date. I said that I will follow you until I get a date." He said.

I continued to walk home. When I was home, I was about to smash the door close, but Meliodas catched it and walked in too.

It was no point in trying to get him out, so I just let it be.

"Elizabeth? Who's that?" Veronica asked.

"The one who irritating me to death!" I said and walked upstairs. Meliodas still following me.

I walked to m uh room and Meliodas walked in and closed the door. I laid down on my bed.

"So this is your room huh? Cool." Meliodas said and walked to sit beside me on the bed. Then he took his hand to my cheek.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You are officially my girlfriend now, so what do you want to do?" He asked.

"What do you mean 'my girlfriend'? I never agreed to that!" I said annoyed.

"To me, you are. I mean, we kissed, I walked you to school and home. Was with you on the lunch and the lessons and now we are here in your room." Meliodas said. It sounded like we were a couple.

"But we are not!" I said.

"Come on. I love you and I want to be with you." Meliodas said softly and started to rub his thumb on my cheek a little. It was a little comfortable, actually.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you." He said again.

"You mean like Estarossa love me? Just using me!" I said when I remembered him.

"No, Estarossa is a real player. I don't like to do as he. You are the first one I love, my first kiss and if you want, my first girlfriend." He said.

"Yeah, right!" I said.

"It's true." Meliodas said.

"Okay then. What do you like about me then? The only thing Estarossa said was my body, not me." I said irritating. Meliodas leaned in closer to me as he started to explain.

"I like everything with you. I like how you dress. I like your personality. I like how you are towards others. I like you to see your happy. I like to see your smile. I like everything about you." Meliodas said when we was just inches apart and he took away his hand from my cheek and started to slide it down my body.

"And I like your body too." He said when his hand was between my legs. Near my private place.

"I love you Elizabeth and I will always do." Meliodas said and leaned closer while closing his eyes. I did the same and we kissed. His hand started to go up my body again as he sat his elbow on the other side of me and he slowly got over me. Then we separated for air.

"Elizabeth, I really do love you. Will... Will you be my girlfriend?" Meliodas asked.

"I-I. Yes!" I said. I didn't even think. I just said it and the next thing was that he kissed me. When we stopped, he laid down beside me on the bed.

"I really do love you, Elizabeth." I heard Meliodas whisper while pulling me in to his embrace. He had still his eyes closed, so he couldn't see my little smile.

Then we both fell asleep. I laying against his chest, my back facing it. He had his arms around my waist.

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