His old friends

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"That's not important just now." Diane said.

"But I wanna know." I said.

"I will te-" Elaine said but was cut off by the teacher who come in.

"Okay class, we have a new student, again." The teacher said and a pink haired girl walked in.

"Please introduce yourself." The teacher said.

"Hello everyone. I am Liz, I am sure the most of you know me because I have been here before, but I tell you either way." The new girl said.

"What are you doing here?!" One girl asked a little angry.

"Yeah, you aren't welcome!" Another one said.

"No one wants you!" Another yelled. All the boys was just quiet and looked at Liz. Some looked love sick wile the other looked disgusted.

"Diane? What is happening?" I asked.

"I will tell you in lunch." Diane said.

"Silence! Liz, go to Elizabeth. Elizabeth, rise your hand." The teacher said. I raised my hand. She walked beside me. Then the teacher started talking.

Liz looked at me. I didn't know if it was a good thing or bad.

"Elizabeth, right? Well, I think we could be good friends if you don't take what's mine." Liz whispered. I nodded, not knowing what she meant.

The three lessons we always had before lunch got pretty fast. Then it was lunch.

I walked to the lunch room after Diane and Elaine because I needed to go to my locker for a bit. Then I heard someone call me.

"Elizabeth?" She called. I turned around and saw Liz.

"Liz?" I asked while she come closer to me.

"What is this?" Liz asked and showed me her phone and the picture of me and Meliodas.

"It's me and Meliodas, why?" I asked.

"And why are you with Meliodas?" She asked.

"It's a pretty funny story-" I was cut off by her.

"Listen to me Elizabeth. You stay away from-" this time she was cut off by Meliodas who pushed her away from me.

"What do you think you are doing to Elizabeth?!" Meliodas asked angry.

"Meliodas, calm down." I said.

"Meliodas, I am sorry, what I did was just a joke. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and I want to be with you." Liz said. They know each other?

"Shut up! Like I would believe in that. Let Elizabeth be!" Meliodas said angry.

"Meliodas, you should calm down." I said. Meliodas looked at me.

"Are you okay?" Meliodas asked while coming closer to me. I nodded.

"Yes, I am." I said.

"Good, now let's go." Meliodas said and pulled me with him to the lunch room.

"Meliodas, are you okay? You don't seem like yourself." I said.

"The important is if you are okay." Meliodas said and then he had pulled me to the table where Elaine and Diane was sitting.

I sat down and so did he.

"Elizabeth? Where were you?" Diane asked.

"I was on the way here when I was stopped, that's all." I said. They both nodded. Then I looked at Meliodas who stared angry at the door. I looked there to see Liz walk in. Then Meliodas pulled me closer to him.

"Meliodas?" I asked worried. He continued to stare a couple of minutes. I looked at Diane and Elaine who was chatting now. Then I felt a head on my shoulder. Meliodas had stopped staring and leaned against me.

"Oh, yeah, Elizabeth. Do you want to hang out today? Both me and Elaine are free." Diane said.

"Sorry, she can't." Meliodas answered.

"Why not?" Both them asked.

"Because she will be with me." Meliodas said. Then someone come and sat down beside me.

"Ban?" Diane and Elaine asked.

"Yeah? What's up?" The tall boy asked.

"Hello, I am Elizabeth." I said.

"Nice to meet you princess, I am Ban." He said. I smiled and nodded. Then Meliodas pulled me so close it wasn't any space between us and hissed.

"She's mine." Meliodas said. Ban grinned.

"Found a girlfriend? I have my own special girl too, remember." Ban said. Meliodas loosened his grip on me a bit.

"Anyway, why are you here Ban?" Meliodas asked.

"I heard Liz is back, so I know that sooner or later, you will reunite the seven deadly sins." Ban said.

"You know me too well." Meliodas said and they did some hand shaking thing in front of me.

"So you still remember it huh?" Ban asked.

"Yeah, won't forget my best bud." Meliodas said. Then another boy come that looked a little like Elaine.

"Hey, guys. How are you?" The boy asked.

"King!" All around the table said.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth. Nice to meet you." I said.

"Harlequin, but you can call me King. I am Elaine's big brother." King said. I nodded.

"By 3 minutes!" Elaine said. They are twins? I didn't see that coming. Then a girl with black hair come.

"Hey Captain. About to be your old self again? How many have you gotten?" She asked.

"Hello Merlin. Yes I am. Everyone in this table." Meliodas said.

"My name is Merlin." Merlin said.

"Nice to meet you, I am Elizabeth." I said. Then a boy with pink hair come.

"Hello Captain, Diane, Ban, King, Merlin and Elaine." He said.

"Hello. I am Elizabeth, nice to meet you." I said.

"My name is Gowther. You are Captain's girlfriend? The one he sleep with?" Gowther asked. My whole face burnt up.

"Gowther, read the room." Diane said. Then one boy more come to the table. He had glasses and orange hair.

"Pardon me, can I sit with you guys? Captain?" He asked.

"Escanor, you are the last one." Meliodas said. I am glad we sat in a big table because it would have been tight if not.

"Hello, my name is Escanor. What's yours?" He asked me.

"Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you." I said.

"Okay, now when everyone is here, how will we do it?" Merlin asked.

"I will be with Elizabeth the whole time." Meliodas said.

"Because you wanna kiss your lover alone?" Ban teased with a sing song voice that he is always using.

"Maybe." Meliodas said. My cheeks burned up.

"She is sitting beside Elizabeth in class." Elaine said.

"That could be a problem." Merlin said. Everyone agreed.

"Then, Diane and Elaine will look after her in class." Meliodas said. They both nodded.

"I assume that now when the seven deadly sins is back, that we have the same roles?" Escanor asked.

"Yep." Meliodas said.

"What are you all talking about?" I asked.

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