Back story

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I woke up, still in Meliodas embrace and heard my alarm clock. Then I could feel Meliodas waking up too.

"Good morning my beautiful rose." He said. I turned around.

"Have we slept the whole night and half day yesterday?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Seems like it." Meliodas said and pulled me a little closer to him.

"We need to go to school." I said.

"Can't we skip? I want to be with you." Meliodas said.

"No, school is important." I said.

"Okay then, if you really want to." Meliodas said and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"But, please. Can we pretend that we aren't a couple in school?" I asked while getting up and walking to my closet.

"Why?" He asked while sitting up. I took out my clothes and laid them on a chair.

"Because Diane and Elaine are scared of you and I don't want them to be scared of me because of me being with you." I said and was unbuttoning my blouse. Meliodas just looked at me with a smirk. Then he stood up and walked to me when I was half done.

"You know I am right here." He said. I looked at him and blushed.

"Oh, I-I forgot y-y-you w-was in my r-room." I said.

"Well, I would love to watch you take off your clothes." Meliodas said and held in my arms, but gently. I just blushed more. Then he gave me a quick kiss on the mouth.

"I-I will g-go i-in the bathroom." I said and walked in the bathroom that is opposite my bedroom.

That was so embarrassing! When I was done, I walked out the bathroom and too my room to see Meliodas.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"No, I need to ea-" I got cut off by him taking my and and running downstairs and out.

"Good, now we go and eat breakfast!" He said with a smile and we started walking. Then we arrived at a little cafeteria.

"What do you want?" Meliodas asked, looking at me.

"Mmm, I don't know." I said.

"Then I will get you something!" Meliodas said and walked up to the cashier. He payed and walked back to me with two milkshakes.

"Vanilla." He said and gave it to me. I tasted it and it was delicious.

"It's delicious!" I said.

"Yep!" He said and we started walking to school. When we was there, we both was done with our milkshakes.

"One last kiss before school?" Meliodas asked. I just nodded and he kissed me immediately. Then he let go and we walked in.

"See ya!" Meliodas said.

"Bye!" I said and we walked different ways. I walked to my classroom and everyone looked at me. I felt a little uneasy. I walked to my seat between Diane and Elaine. They immediately turned to me.

"Elizabeth! Explain!" Diane said, not angry but determined.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The school has a blog that everyone look at, but no one know who did it. The latest post is this." Elaine said and showed me two pictures of me and Meliodas. The first is when he kissed me in the corridor and his hand was on my waist. The other picture was when we slept together in my room. What a relief we had our clothes on, not that I wouldn't have clothes on when he is with me.

"The title is 'Meliodas and the new girl?'. So explain what this is!" Diane said.

"Yesterday when everyone had got home, I walked to my locker and took out my diary. Then Meliodas snatched it away and said that he won't read it if he got a kiss and then. Yeah, he pinned me to the locker and kissed me." I explained. They both nodded.

"And the other?" Diane asked.

"Um, Meliodas kinda followed me home and then didn't go away and we kinda ended up sleeping together like that." I said.

"Kinda?! You slept together!" Both Diane and Elaine said.

"Y-yes?" I said.

"Are you a couple?" Elaine asked.

"N-no?" I said.

"That's good, but a little sad at the same time." Diane said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He never had a girlfriend before, but he has been in love. It was about 4 years ago. He confessed and that girl he loved, Liz, declined at the hardest way possible." Diane said.

"How did she do it?" I asked.

"What is the worst thing you can think of when you confess?" Elaine asked.

"It would be if they said no, called me dumb things and then just walking away laughing." I answered.

"It was worse then that." Diane said.

"What happened was..." Elaine started.

~Flashback ~

"Liz? Can I talk to you alone?" Meliodas asked.

"Of course." Liz said and they walked to a corner. Meliodas took one hand behind his head.

"Liz, I like you. Really, really much. I just wanted to know do you want to be my girlfriend?" Meliodas asked.

"Of course." Liz said with a smile. Meliodas got a big smile on his face.

"I don't. You are just a dumb, stupid, brainless toy that no one love or will ever love. That toy that always disappear to the bottom of the box. You aren't really my friend, just my little puppet, a toy, a fake." Liz continued without her smile, with a evil smirk instead. Meliodas got teary eyes while Liz started laughing.

"Oh, are the baby gonna cry? Where is your baby sitter?" Liz asked laughing and walked away with her friends.


"That was what happened." Elaine said.

"That's horrible!" I said.

"Yeah, since that, he stopped hanging out with us." Diane said.

"You was his friends?" I asked.

"Yeah, I, Elaine, King, Ban, Gowther, Merlin, Escanor and Meliodas was friends. We was called the seven deadly sins, but Elaine wasn't in the group, just with us very much." Diane said.

"It was so fun then!" Elaine said.

"Who is the others you said?" I asked.

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