The picture

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I woke up with Meliodas beside me, again. He was still asleep.

I shook him awake and told him "We need to make us ready for school."

He just did as told and walked home to get ready. 15 minutes later, he was back and we walked to the school.

"Elizabeth. Now when Liz is back, we need to talk." Was the first thing he said when we started walking.

"D-do you still love her?" I asked, hoping not.

"No, that's not it, but I would like for you to be as long away from her as possible. She isn't as nice as you could think. I realized that when she rejected me." Meliodas said.

"H-how did you k-know I knew?" I asked, making him chuckle and say "I have my ways, besides, Diane and Elaine can't keep a secret from their closest friends even if it hangs on their lives."

"That's true." I said with a small giggle. He suddenly looked at me with a smile and loving eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He responded with "You should giggle more, it's cute." making me blush.

We arrived at school and Meliodas walked me to class. Everyone was slightly scared of messing with me, so everyone in class let me sit beside my friends.

I don't really like that reputation of mine, but it is that or break up with Meliodas. I rather not break up with Meliodas.

I sat in my seat with Diane in front and Elaine behind me. Liz sat next to me.

Liz didn't really do anything to me until she said "Listen Elizabeth, I want you to stay away from my future boyfriend."

"I'm sorry, but he is actually my boyfriend, so you should stay away from him." I said with a sweet voice. I can be a bit rude if someone messes with me or anyone I love. In this situation, she messed with my boyfriend.

"Well, if you don't stay away from him, I will be so happy to put out this pictures on the school's website." Liz said. Then she showed me a picture of me kissing Estarossa.

"And? We are over and Meliodas knows it." I said. She smirked and said "Fine then."

"Good." I said and turned to face Elaine.

"Hi, are you free after school?" I asked, she shook her head and asked "No, but maybe Meliodas wants to be with you?"

I gave her a small nod and said "Okay, thanks anyway."

Then I turned around and tapped Diane on her shoulder. She turned around and asked "Yes?"

"Want to hang out after school?" I asked, she shook her head and said "Sorry, me and Elaine will babysit my cousin."

"Okay." I said with a smile. Then I gave my attention to the lesson. After our three lessons before lunch, I walked to my locker. At the way, I got many looks. I felt very uncomfortable with it.

-Meliodas POV-

I was on my second period when my phone buzzed together with everyone else's. We all took up our phones. It was the school's website.

As I clicked on it, I saw the title 'Elizabeth Liones a player?'


Then it was a picture of Elizabeth and Estarossa kissing. No, this isn't true. This is fake, right?

"Everyone! The lesson is still going on!" The teacher said and I turned my attention to him. When the lunch started, I decided to talk to Elizabeth about the picture right away.

She is usually at her locker before she goes to eat, so I walked to where her locker is. As I come closer to it, I saw Elizabeth and... Estarossa. He had his hands on her waist...

So... the picture was true? No, it can't be... right? Was she... cheating on me... with my brother?!

Anger dwelled up inside me as I walked away. Why is it always me?! Why do everyone always hurt me?! I hate love! Love is just a stupid feeling that makes you feel sadness in the end!

-Elizabeth's POV-

"I told you to stay away from me! We are over! Understand?!" I said to Estarossa. Then Estarossa placed his hands on my waist.

"What about that picture on the website? You want me back, that's the only reason you would put it up." He said and pulled me closer.

"I didn't put it up! Understand?! It was someone else! Not me! Let me be!" I nearly yelled at Estarossa as I smashed the locker closed and pushed him away from me.

Then I walked towards the lunch room. As I arrived, I saw everyone else at the table. Except Meliodas.

"Hey guys. Have you seen Meliodas? I need to talk to him." I said, suddenly, Diane and Elaine shot up and hugged me.

"It's horrible! That rumour going around about you!" Diane said as Elaine nodded.

"I know, I must talk to Meliodas about it. I don't want any misunderstanding between us." I said. Then I looked at everyone that just shook their heads.

"We don't know where the Captain is." Gowther said, making me nod in understanding. Then Ban said "We will find whoever did this and beat them up for ya."

"Thanks Ban." I said as Diane and Elaine finally let go of me. Then I said "But I need to look after Meliodas now."

They all nodded as I walked away. Everyone was with their friends, eating at the lunch room now, so the corridors was empty.

"Meliodas?" I called out as I walked around. No answer. I continued to call out on about 5 minutes until someone suddenly forcefully pushed me in one of the bathrooms.

I was pinned to the wall. Not good.

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