Old desires

474 17 13

-Meliodas' POV-

I laid down in bed. I don't feel like going to school today. Elizabeth just HAD to give me all the shit. I fucking hate my life.

Looking towards the bathroom, I felt like throwing up, but I held it in. My body feels tired and I don't want to move much. It pains me too much when I do.

I slowly looked towards my nightstand. I didn't take the pills yesterday. I didn't feel like it after our breakup.

My eyes traveled back to my phone in my hand. I was scrolling through my and Elizabeth's texts. Even if it was just about three weeks, it felt so good when I was with her. It just felt right, before she blamed me, that is.

Wonder how she will do with the child... keep it? Abortion, right?

Maybe I was too harsh on her? Maybe she was just stressed out? But maybe, it really was my fault alone? Maybe I was the one to make sure I use protection? Maybe it is all my fault we broke up?

I took a breath in, then out before I clicked on the delete button. All our texts now being deleted, but I kept her contact. I don't have the heart to delete it right now.

Looking at the bathroom, I decided to ignore the pain and walk towards my bathroom, not caring to look at it. I put my phone beside the sink and looked at the box on the highest shelf.

It's always hard to get it down, but in the end, it feels so good. I went out of the bathroom and got a stool to get it down.

Once I had it in my hands, I looked through everything. What should I start with? It was awhile I did this, I even forgot I had this much things. These things are my favourite things in the whole world.

I got into the shower, not turning the water on, but I pulled off all my clothes until I stood mostly naked, only thing on being my boxes. I pulled the stool right outside the shower and put the box there to easily grab what I needed.

I looked through all of it. I have so many options to choose from.

"I haven't used this in a while though." I mumbled as I just picked up the scissor. It's an extra sharp scissor. Now I had two more options. Either I use it as normal or I use it as a knife.

No, I already have a knife I could use. I will use it like normal at first.

Pulling out some skin of my leg, I put the scissor at it. I took another breath in and then out. Without a second thought, I cut it. Seeing the small cut made by the scissor. I saw how it looked a bit like a arrow while blood started flowing. Then I went up a bit and made another. Then another and another.

After about five cuts in total, I put away the scissor and took the razor and went to make cuts on the other leg. One stroke makes 4 small cuts, giving it 24 with 6 strikes in total.

Even though all these makes cuts, they all gives off different feelings and different amounts of blood. The scissors gives a feeling of something pulling and pushing at the beginning before it all explodes and blood flows down the leg.

The razor gives many slices at the same time, making it feel extra good, but it doesn't make me bleed as much, to my disappointment. The warm blood flowing down my body is just an amazing feeling.

The knife is like the razor, but with only one cut, making it not as amazing as the razor. However, more warm blood drips down from it.

My lighter is also okay, but I rather have the things that draw out blood. The lighter could I use two ways though. Either I just use it on my skin right away, or I heat up something like the knife or scissor and use that, but it stops some of the bleeding.

The nailmat is also like good. Either I stand or sit on it while using the other things or I wrap it around myself tightly. I don't use it that much though because it takes time to wash it out from all blood. It doesn't make me bleed so much though, so I'm mostly using it when I have wrapped everything up and will rest or sleep. It gives me the pain I want without it getting bloody. It's the dot over the i.

Then I have much more like needles, glass shatters and more.

After I have used what I felt like, I closed my eyes and concentrated on the pain. I don't want to think about Elizabeth. About the baby. About anything.

This is my way of escaping my hell. It feels so amazing. As my blood started to lessen and it got colder and dry, I started the water, feeling it hitting my cuts.

I put it on the hottest temperature I could, burning myself in it, but it felt good. I slowly started cleaning off the blood with water before looking at the bloody items in the box.

I will clean them later.

I stepped out of the shower, turning off the water and took a towel, drying myself. When I was done, the towel was bloodstained, but I just threw it to the other dirty clothes.

Pulling out some bandages and band aids, I started wrapping it all up before taking the nailmat and going to bed. I'm tired, really tired.

I put the nailmat on my bed before I laid down on it. The nails pushed their ways into the wounds as I pulled the quilt over me. My eyes closed as I felt my sleepiness took over and I fell asleep.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Why doesn't he answer my calls or messages?! This is important!

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