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-Meliodas' POV-

I opened my eyes, seeing white. Is this heaven? I thought for sure I would go to hell if there even was one.

But if this is heaven... why dies my body hurt so much? I didn't think heaven would hurt. I didn't think I would be able to feel at all.

Also... where is mom? If this is heaven, mom should also be here... Maybe I even meet Elizabeth here in the future? Not that I want her to die, but everyone dies someday.

Slowly, a peeping sound started to get louder and louder, irritating me. Where is that sound coming from?!

Slowly turning my head, I saw that I was in a white room. So this isn't heaven?

Looking around, being in really much pain, I saw a IV connected to me. Wait... am I in the hospital?! Then it would mean I survived!

Damn it!

I can't take all this! I don't want to live anymore! Sitting up, despite it feeling like all my bones in my body is broken and my body feeling as numb as it could be.

The IV fell to the floor as I looked down at my body. I had a hospital gown and my whole body was bandaged.

With a sigh, I stood up, feeling more pain than I ever felt before. Limping over to the big glass window, I opened it. If I couldn't die from blood loss, then I will do it the fastest, I will jump down the window. It looks like I am a good 15 floor high, so I will definitely die with the injuries I already have.

I opened the window enough for me to get through. I stepped up slowly, shaking and feeling weak. I sat down on the glass, inhaling and exhaling before I closed my eyes and was about to jump. Ignoring everything around me.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I went into the room to see Meliodas sitting on the window, his legs hanging out over the building.

With panic, I let go of everything and ran up to him. I saw him just being about to jump when I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him inside, the both of us falling to the floor.

"W-what? L-let go of me!" He said and tried to stand up, but he just shook instead and fell down again, hid body giving up.

"Meliodas, you can't take your life like that!" I yelled. He looked at me, still trying to get up, saying "Y-You can't s-say what I will do! Y-you doesn't even love m-me!"

His voice was raspy and dry. I just felt tears in my eyes build up at his condition, crawling over to him and pilling him into a hug.

"E-Elizabeth! L-let go off me! I-I don't want t-to live anymore! J-just le-let me jump!" He said, hitting me with his weak fists. I just held him close to me and tightly as he continued to struggle. He was so weak in this state, it made my heart ache.

"Meliodas, please calm down." I whispered. He just shook his head, now starting to cry.

"W-why?! Y-you doesn't even l-love me! I do-don't want to live any-anymore! J-just let m-me jump and e-end my suffering!"

"No Meliodas. I won't let you go. Never again. I love you." I whispered to her, but he just shook his head even more, saying "N-No you don't! You just don't want m-me to d-die because you w-will feel b-bad about it!"

"No, Meliodas, I me-"

"Just let m-me die! I-I will d-d-die soon a-anyways!" He yelled, but I just spoke "No you won't. I am here for you  Meliodas. I love you. You will be fine and live your whole life if you just let the doctors treat you."

"N-no Elizabeth. I-I won't. I-I will die soon anyways. I-I know i-it! D-don't say a-anything e-else!" He cried even more. I started stroking his hair to calm him down a bit as he hugged my waist, his head now inbetween my chest as he cried.

"Listen to me Meliodas. You will be fine. Just rest up and let the doctors treat you." I whispered. All he did was shake his head before he said "N-No. I-I won't be okay. I-I never will. I'm g-go-going to die so-soon Elizabeth."

I feel so bad for Meliodas going through all this. I just can't handle seeing him like this.

"Then... what makes you think you won't survive Meliodas?" I asked, rubbing his head to try and calm down his crying.

"I-I have cancer."

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