Anger issues

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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Tell me Elizabeth, did you actually cheat on me?!" Meliodas asked with a harsh, yet sad tone. I looked at him straight in the eyes and said "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"So you did cheat?!" He asked. Oh god, this will be annoying.

"No Meliodas, I didn't. I love you and no one else." I said. His hands tightened as he asked "What about the picture then?! You kissed Estarossa on it!"

"That was an old picture of when we was dating." I told him. He looked at me as he said "But I saw Estarossa with you at your locker!"

"Yeah, because he is an annoying bitch that doesn't leave me alone after that picture Liz uploaded." I told him and he immediately lightened the grip on me.

"Of course, this is exactly a thing that she would do, that bitch, I'm gonna ..." Meliodas mumbled, but I didn't hear the last, making me ask "What?"

The next thing I knew was that Meliodas was kissing me. I kissed back, but we was interrupted by the door opening.

I opened my eyes and saw a brown haired girl with blue eyes. She took a picture of us and then closed the door. Meliodas didn't stop the kiss. Like it never happened.

Then he let go as we was both out of breath. He gave a small smile as he said "I'm sorry I doubt you. I will never do it again."

"I'm sorry this happened." I said as he hugged me, snuggled in my chest. Then he spoke "Let's go on a date after school."

"Sure." I said and played a bit with his hair. We stood there some more minutes until Meliodas let go and looked me in the eyes.

"Let's go home to me and do something." He said.

"But school isn't over." I said, making him say "I don't care, right now, all I want is to be with you."

"School is important!" I said. He sighed and said "Okay then, but you will sleep over at my house tonight."

"Why did you become so clingy all of a sudden? I mean, more clingy then you already was." I asked. He just shrugged "I'm a demon and we like to be close to those we love, expectly as it isn't that many people we love."

"Aww, that was cute." I said and he argued back "No! It was not! You are the one who is cute!"

"Sure, let's go back to the next lesson." I said. He nodded and then I heard him mumble something, but I could only make out "... tonight... alone... my... fun... wait..."

"What was that?" I asked and he immediately responded with "Nothing."

"I will pick you up at your classroom." Meliodas said and gave me one last kiss before we went separate ways.

The rest of the day, me, Diane and Elaine talked about things. As the last lesson was over I walked out of the classroom and waited outside for Meliodas.

-Meliodas POV-

I was on my way to Elizabeth's classroom when I bumped into someone. She had brown hair and blue eyes. As soon as I looked at her, she got tears in her eyes and ran away. Strange...

Then I continued my walk to Elizabeth and what I saw pissed me off. Estarossa was there and he tried to kiss her.

I was about to push him away, when something different happened. He was about to kiss her when she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. His face become pale and he fell on the floor, holding his private place.

Not like that wasn't enough, but she kicked him 3 more times at the same place. That was probably my cue to get her away from him... but I want to see this.

As people stopped and crowded them a bit, I watched as she walked up to his face and punched him so that he fell to laying position then a sitting. Then... she was about to went in for one more.

Oh, I should probably stop her now... but Estarossa definitely deserves this and she is so cool like this... no I should probably take her away from him now.

While I was thinking, Elizabeth had thrown many punches at Estarossa and when he spotted blood, then I understood that I definitely needed to take her away.

I ran up to her and pulled her away from Estarossa.

"No! Let me go! I'm gonna kill him!" Elizabeth yelled as she tried to get out of my grip. So cool.

"Elizabeth, it's me, Meliodas." I said and she stopped struggling and looked at me. I gave her a smile and said "Come here."

She did as told and hugged me as I rubbed her back.

"Everything is okay, I promise." I told her. Everyone was looking at us right now.

"Come on, let's go." I said as we let go of each other. She nodded and we walked away from the crowd, leaving Estarossa on the floor.

"I never thought you could be so violent." I told her as we walked out of the school. She blushed and said "S-sorry, he really pissed me off."

"What you did was so cool." I said, that also made her  lush more. Then she said "N-no, it's not cool. It i-is anger issues."

"Well, I have some anger issues too." I said as we started to nearing our destination. My apartment.

"Won't your parents be worried about Estarossa when he doesn't go home with us?" Elizabeth asked, making me shake my head.

"No, I'm living alone in an apartment." I said as we arrived at the house. As we walked inside, and to the elevator, Elizabeth asked "How does it work?"

"You push that button and that button." I said and pushed the buttons, making her giggle before saying "How come you live alone? I mean."

"Well, my real mother was a millionaire, but when she died, after dad left, me and Zeldoris got the money and now we live for ourselves, because it's better then to live with our step mother." I said, making her nod.

As the elevator stopped, we walked out and I opened my apartment.

"Wow. This is amazing!" Elizabeth said as we walked inside. I gave her a smile and said "You like it?"

"It's so clean and amazing." She said. Oh, she should just know...

"Come on." I said and took her hand. Then with a smile I lead her to my room.

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