Stupid questions

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I am still curious of what they talked about at lunch. Why couldn't they just tell me?

"Meliodas?" I asked.

"Yeah, Elizabeth?" He asked. We was on our way home to me.

"What was you talking about at lunch?" I asked.

"You won't understand, so no need to think about it." He said.

"Please." I said.

"No, it's other things we can talk about instead." Meliodas said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"What names do you want to have on our children?" He asked.

"W-what? We aren't even old enough to have children!" I said.

"Actually, we are, but too young to understand the burden." Meliodas said.

"But I mean in the future." He said.

"We maybe won't be a couple in the future, you know that, right?" I asked.

"I know we will. I have a feeling that it is so." He said.

"A feeling? Seriously?" I asked.

"I am deadly pserious." He said with a happy tone. I giggled a little. Then we arrived at my house and we walked in. We walked in my room and he closed the door.

"So Elizabeth, you know what I feel like?" Meliodas asked as he walked closer to me.

"N-no?" I said.

"To kiss you." He said and kissed me at the same time he pushed me on the bed. Then we separated.

"I love you, I will always do." He said and laid down on top of me, with his face in by breast.

"M-Meliodas!" I said. He moved his head a bit and then I felt kisses.

"M-Meliodas! S-stop that!" I said.

"No, I like this." I heard him mumbled.

"Stop this now!" I said. He did as told and got of off me, but instead laid down beside me with his face at my neck. I could feel his warm breathing on my neck.

"But I liked it." He whispered.

"But I didn't." I said and blushed a bit. He then laid me on top of him with my head on his chest. Then he started grouping me.

"Meliodas! Stop!" I said. He just kissed my cheek instead.

"No." He said.

"You know I can always break up with you." I said.

"You don't dare." Meliodas said.

"I do." I said.

"You do not." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

"I do." I said.

"Not." He said and kissed me again.

"I d-" I was cut off by a kiss on the mouth. I kissed back and then we separated.

"If you really want to break up with me, then you wouldn't kiss me back." He said. I smiled a bit.

"Okay, you win, but will you at least give me back my diary?" I asked.

"No, it will be fun to read later." He said and snuggled in my neck. I kissed his forehead and soon, he had fallen asleep while being on top of me.

I tried to push him of, but it didn't work. I tried again, still didn't work and then I tried again. It worked.

I was about to go up from the bed when Meliodas took both his arms and legs around me.

"I love you Elizabeth." I heard Meliodas whisper, but when I looked at him, he was still asleep. Is he dreaming about me?

I lightly pushed him away and got up. Then I started looking for my diary. It must be here somewhere.

After looking after it in about 10 minutes, I gave up. How could he hide it so well? Then I felt something on my shoulder. I looked there to see Meliodas face looking at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Your dairy aren't here if that's what you are looking after." He said.

"Where is it then?" I asked.

"In my locker at school." He said.

"You will give it back to me tomorrow." I said.

"Maybe." He said, then he got of off me.

"I need to go home." He said and kissed my cheek.

"I will get you before school. Love you." He said.

"Love you too." I said. He then walked out of the door. I walked to my window and opened it. Soon I saw him walk out.

"Bye! See you tomorrow Meliodas!" I yelled. He looked up to me with a smile.

"See ya! Oh, and don't eat breakfast! I will take you somewhere before school." Meliodas yelled back.

"Okay!" I yelled and then he started walking away. I closed my window and turned around to see father at the door with crossed arms and a bit angry look.

"Hey." I said.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"So, why aren't you in your office?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Who was that?!" He asked again a bit more angrier.

"His name is Meliodas. He is really nice and friendly. So what are you doing here? Haven't you job to do?" I ask ed d, still trying to change the subject.

"What is he to you?" He asked.

"I asked first." I said. Father signed.

"I heard Margaret and Veronica talk about someone who slept over last night and you yelling out the window." Father said.

"Who is he to you?" Father asked.

"Wow, isn't it time for dinner soon?" I asked.

"Answer my damn question! I need to know what you two are for each other and what you did last night!" Father said. He never talk so harsh. I started to feel a bit uneasy. I was quiet.

"What is he to you?" Father asked again, even harsher. I looked down at my feet.

"My boyfriend." I whispered.

"What?!" Father asked, not hearing.

"He is..." I cut myself off.

"He is?!" Father asked.

"He is... my um... he kinda is... he may be... m-my b-b-boyfriend." I answered, not looking at father.

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