Boyfriend book

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-Elizabeth's POV-

Father's fist swung in the air towards Meliodas, but it never come.

"I accept you." I heard father say. I opened my eyes to see Father standing in front of us.

"What?" Meliodas asked.

"I accept you being Elizabeth's boyfriend." Father said.

"Father? What is all this?" I asked.

"I tested this boy if he would make a good boyfriend and he passed. I did the same thing to Margaret and Veronica's boyfriends. No worry." Father said and walked out of the room. Closing the door after him.

"What just happened?" I asked. The next second, I was pinned to the bed.

"Let's finish that kiss we started." Meliodas said and kissed me again. He was on top of me and kissed me. Soon we separated and looked at each other.

Then a light come towards us. We looked at the door to see my father standing there with a camera. My face become red immediately.

"Just continue you two. I am just taking pictures of you to this boyfriend book I have." Father said.

"B-boyfriend book?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have a page with pictures of every boyfriend you, Margaret and Veronica ever had." Father said. My face only become hotter.

I looked at Meliodas to realise that he is still on top of me. It felt like I was going to pass out any second now. Then Meliodas got off of me.

"Do you think I could look in that book?" Meliodas asked.

"M-Meliodas!" I said.

"What? I want to know everyone you have dated." Meliodas said with smirk.

"This is too much for me." I said.

"I will go and get the book right now!" Father said and walked away. I felt even more embarrassed.

"Elizabeth? Are you okay?" Meliodas asked. I just slowly nodded. Then he helped me up and let me lean on his shoulder.

"You seem very tired." Meliodas said.

"You disturbed my sleep, what did you expect?" I asked.

"More attention." Meliodas said and snuck an arm around me.

"You will get more attention, tomorrow." I said and closed my eyes.

"Here you have!" Father said and throw the book to Meliodas. My eyes shoot open when he did that.

"Father!" I said.

"Sorry, I will go." Father said and walked away. Meliodas opened the book and skipped all the sides with Veronica and Margaret's boyfriends.

The first side with my first boyfriend was a boy with black hair and eyes. He was a demon like Meliodas and was short too. His name was Zeldris.

"Why is Zeldris in this book?" Meliodas asked.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Yeah, what does he do in this book?!" Meliodas asked.

"He was my first boyfriend." I said.

"I didn't even know Zeldris had a girlfriend! I will kill him for not telling me!" Meliodas said. Meliodas then looked at all the pictures. We was smiling, teasing and kissing on the pictures.

"Why did he get so much attention?! I want as much attention as he got!" Meliodas complained.

"I am giving it to you." I said and kissed his cheek before leaning on his shoulder again.

"But he have many pictures! Do we even have one?!" Meliodas asked.

"Don't think so." I said.

"See, you aren't giving me as much attention!" He said.

"That was pictures of two years being together! We have just been together some days and father found out today. Do you think we will have some pictures?" I asked.

"We should have." He said.

"Wait, when did you even date?!" He asked.

"Some years ago." I said and closed my eyes. I heard him turn some pages before stopping.

"Mael too?!" Meliodas asked.

"You know him too?" I asked.

"Yes! I do!" He said. I opened my eyes to see pictures of us. It wasn't as many kisses in that relationship.

"Why Elizabeth? Why did you have to date him?! He is like worst man ever!" Meliodas said.

"Calm down, we are over now." I said. Then he turned some more pages.

"Reducel?! Since when did he have a girlfriend?!" Meliodas asked.

"How come you know all my exes?" I asked.

"How come you have dated all those- those idiots?!" Meliodas asked.

"The same reason I date you." I said.

"You lived them?! Wait, you loved them, right? That's why you dated them, right?" He asked.

"Of course that's why I dated them. What do you think?" I asked. Then he kissed me.

"I promise you that if anyone is trying to make any move on you, then I will kill them." Meliodas said.

"Violent." I said.

"I'm not violent!" Meliodas said.

"You are." I said. Then Meliodas turned pages again. It stopped on Estarossa.

"That's all the boyfriends you ever had, right?" Meliodas asked.

"No." I said.

"Who more?!" Meliodas asked.

"You of course." I said. Then he kissed me. When we separated, I looked at him.

"So, how come you know them all?" I asked.

"They are all my brothers." Meliodas said.

"What? Since when have they been brothers?" I asked.

"Like forever. I am the oldest, then it is Reducel and Mael that is just half brother's. They have a different dads then me. Meal and Estarossa is twins, but Estarossa is my full brother and Zeldris is my youngest brother. He has the same parents." Meliodas said.

"But if Mael and Estarossa is twins, how could they have different dads?" I asked.

"Mother had sex with a my dad when she was pregnant with another mans child, but she didn't know she was pregnant then." Meliodas said. I nodded and leaned against his shoulder.

"Are you tired?" Meliodas asked. I slowly nodded. He laid me down in bed and covered me in blankets before kissing my cheek.

"Good night Elizabeth." Meliodas said. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

"Night." Was the last thing I said.

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