eighteen: we'll see you around?

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Her eyes focus back on me, "Hi baby," she smiles at me, a toothy grin.

"Hi Ems, do you wanna get going?" I say as she rests her head on my shoulder. 

She immediately sits up straight. "No, I want to know how in the hour I lost you, your boyfriend bailed and you found 5 hot guys to hang with."

"Yeah, actually, how did you find her?" Zach asks.

"She bumped into me." Corbyn states. 

"I did do that." I point to him in agreement.

"That was a lot less anticlimactic than I thought I'd be," Daniel mumbles. My phone starts to ring again. I pull it out of my pocket, but Emerson grabs it and puts it on speaker. She puts her finger over her mouth, signifying for everyone to be quiet. "Hey, where are you?" Nate's voice rings through the phone.

"Still at the party. Emerson and I ran into old friends so we are just hanging with them." I replied back.

"What fucking old friends?" he raises his voice; I take him off the speaker. I don't want my first impression of the boys to be my boyfriend yelling at me.

"Babe, just some friends we met at a concert in February. Nothing serious." I lower my voice, so the boys don't hear.

"Are they boys?"

"Yeah, but It's not-"

"I'm picking up in 5 minutes. Ricky can drive your car back to your dorm. Tell Emerson right now."

"But my car-" before I can reply, the line goes dead.

 I swear he goes deaf  when he's angry, especially to me.

"C'mon Em." I say, opening the door.

"You're not fucking serious." She says, slightly sobering up at the thought of leaving. "Are you kidding me? Your little dick boy-"

"Let's go," I cut her off. "I'm not in the mood to fight with him, especially with you around." I gesture towards the door.

"Do you want us to walk you out?" Jonah says, getting up. The other 4 boys get up, brushing themselves off.

"No, that'll just make it worse." I shake my head. "It was nice meeting y'all." I wave, pushing Emerson through the door.

"I haven't even gotten to kiss Jonah yet." She whines, stomping like a toddler. I can hear his laughs under his breath.

"It was nice meeting you guys. Have fun raging!" I say, walking down the hall, my arm wrapped around Em, keeping her tall. As we walk out, I walk fast enough, putting a decent amount of space between the boys and us.

 Daniel calls out, cupping his hand around his mouth."Yo Kira?" I look back at him, acknowledging what he said, "We'll see you around?"

"Maybe." I yell back.

"YOU'LL SEE ME AROUND. BYE-BYE FUTURE BOYFRIEND!" Emerson says, turning around to blow a kiss at jonah. He catches it, laughing. "DID YOU SEE THAT? HE CAUGHT IT." She says, surprised, looking at me. I laugh, looking at her amusement.

When I tell her all about this tomorrow, I hope she's embarrassed.

As we both walk through the crowd of drunk young adults, my heart slowly sinks. I wish we could have actually spent tonight with them. They are so much more fun than Nate's frat friends, even if they are more annoying. I walk onto the lawn and see Nate's car pull up.

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