lifeless .27

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nini got out of her car. she glanced down at her phone and read her text from ricky, stating that he was already there. the girl looked around the parking lot to see ricky leaning against his car. nini tucked her phone away in her pocket and made her way over to the boy, "hey," nini greeted as she walked up to him.

ricky looked up from his phone and smiled at nini — forced a smile. they two of them pulled each other into a hug as they discreetly glanced at the paparazzi's watching them, "they're watching us," ricky whispered in nini's ear before he pulled away.

"i know," nini told him with a fake smile on her face. the two of them tried to act as enthusiastic as they could, "so what are we supposed to do? walk around and talk or something?"

"we could," ricky told the girl as he unlocked his car door, "but that's kinda boring so i packed us some food ... if that's okay," ricky explained to nini — trying to hide the excitement in his voice. he brought out a picnic basket and blanket.

nini blushed and felt herself smile, "i thought you were mad at me."

"i am," ricky said but then popped a strawberry in his mouth, "but right now i'm more hungry than annoyed. once my stomach is all full and happy, i'll go back to hating you. got it?"

"hm, same for me bowen," nini told the boy as she started to follow him towards the grass, "now give me a strawberry." ricky felt himself laugh and handed nini a strawberry.

he laid the blanket out. nini made her self comfortable on the blanket and helped ricky set up all the food. they saw as the paparazzi's made their way closer to the two — swooning all over the fake date.

"no but in all honesty ... our fight the other day—"

"i know," ricky stated, cutting nini off. the boy focused as he cut their sandwiches in half. he continued to speak, "i don't wanna talk about it."

nini sighed. the boy handed nini her the sandwhich. he placed it on a paper plate and continued to fill the plate with fruit and mini cheesecakes. nini smiled as she watched how delicate ricky handled all the food. 

"you're really confusing me, ricky," nini started to say again. she was trying to be as calm and civil, not wanting to ruin the date or piss off ricky again. "i told you from the very start that i was confused on my feelings about you and lewis. you told me that you understand and that you can't be mad at me for that. yet, when i figured it all out ... you lashed out on me. but now you're being all nice and sweet. i can't keep up. is this all for show or?"

"the cameras are on us, nini," ricky harshly said in a low voice. he gave nini a stern look before quickly switching to his sweet, innocent face. nini looked down and nodded her head ; she got her answer. "are you thirsty?"

nini shook her head and forced a smile at ricky. she made sure to look like she was enjoying her time there, but the girl just couldn't find herself to really smile. ricky was acting as if nothing happened. maybe he was a better actor than the girl thought.

nini didn't know what it was that bothered her so much. she tried to be as fair to lewis and ricky as she could. when the girl first found out she had to fake date ricky, it seemed as if lewis and her were never going to be together. nini was upset and felt like she had no control over anything in her life; until the hidden gala. running and sneaking around with ricky was the one thing nini had to herself, but she still loved lewis and felt like it wasn't fair to either boys so she cut it off with ricky.

it seems as if no matter what the girl does, no one's ever satisfied or happy with her decision. she thought ricky was different. she thought he understood how it felt to just have one fun thing in your life just for a moment. that's all she wanted. but again, she ended up ruining everything again.

"did you hear me?" nini heard ricky say. the girl looked up from her plate and saw ricky looking at her with a confused look. nini hesitantly nodded her head and gave him a grin. ricky watched as nini quickly looked away from his eyes and focused down on her plate again. the girl quietly ate her food and tried to avoid as much eye contact with him. he kinda felt bad; maybe he was being a bit too harsh.

"are you okay?" ricky finally asked. nini nodded her head.

"mhm! thanks for brining the food by the way," nini forced herself to say, "it's really good. did you make it yourself?"

"yeah, i did. thanks.." ricky quietly said, scared that if he raised his voice any higher the girl might break down and start crying. it got quiet again. the two heard the constant camera clicking and shuffling of feet. they were both so tired of it.

"i uh, i'm not feeling well," nini told ricky, "is it okay if we stop now? i think they got enough photos." ricky agreed and the two of them started to quietly pick up all of their belongings — working in silence. nini helped ricky carry all of his stuff back to his car. they stayed quiet as ricky packed his belongings back into his car. when ricky was done packing it all up, he shut his trunk and glanced at nini.

"well that was ... fun," ricky lied. nini nodded her head and looked down at her shoes. ricky looked around and saw the paparazzi again. he let out a sigh and pulled nini into a hug for the cameras, but he also just felt really bad about how everything went, "great job, nini. i'll see you at work in a few days?"

"yeah, thanks again, ricky," nini quietly said as she let go of the boy, "see ya later." without another word, nini started to walk away. ricky felt hollow. usually the girl would fight back with him or defend herself. she just seemed so lifeless throughout the whole day.

 she just seemed so lifeless throughout the whole day

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