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"Alright son, judging by these papers, you're all set."

Mr. Lee handed the papers to Minho, only for the boy to put it aside.

At last, he can finally live the life he's been wanting for more than a decade, or at least expecting it to go that way.

"Really not much changes with your identity, given that you already have a different surname to begin with."

Oh, yeah. That. It suddenly bumped his mind that he's actually adopted, but it's not a detail that pains him, it's the reason behind it. His loving mom and dad (not to mention that his dad is a cop) have been his emotional support throughout the years, only knowing them and some people due to the program he was in. He was in need of protection. He remembered the details of when he proposed the idea to his parents to finally live a free life.

"What is it son?"
"I'm twenty now, and I'll be entering uni soon."

He looked at him, putting down the files he's been reading for a while now. He knew what his son is getting into and he really doesn't want to go there.

"Look, son, I know about that. You're my child, the last time I checked. Got any plans? Course you want to take? Just let me-"

"I want to be removed from the witness protection program dad." Apparently Minho has a habit of cutting his dad midsentence to say something that will make him ponder.

"It's been good and all, but, I want to have freedom, too. The program is so strict. We have a lot of rules to follow, not to mention you and mom being affected by it even if I'm the only one in it. Dad, I want to see the world on a brighter perspective. I can't be locked up forever!"

The last sentence he threw made it clear that he's frustrated, that he'd been wanting to have this conversation for a long time.

"Son, there's no need to raise your voice at me. And you, of all people, know why you've been in the program for years. To protect you. You know that, right?"

"So should I just continue living in fear my whole life?"

Mr. Lee couldn't say anything to that. Before he could utter a word, Minho is beginning to speak on what seems to be a well-prepared speech.

"Dad, I know why I'm here. Yes, it's scary, from time to time I get nightmares. But just so you know, I've thought of this for years. What will happen once I enter college? Will I still be given instructions? After I graduate? Will I be able to get a job or continue following what they give me? You and mom are not getting any younger and I want to make sure that I give back what you have given me for years. The care, the love, the shelter, everything! And I can't do that with the constraints of the witness protection. We've been fine our whole lives, right? It's been years, those bad guys have probably forgotten all about me, if not all about what happened. And I've been hidden for years. New name, new family. Everything. There's really nothing to worry about."

Minho's dad only hoped that the last bit was right, but his son did throw some good points. And taking care of him for years, he knew that he's not going to back down on this no matter what. There's also this feeling in him that would guilt him if he doesn't give what his son wanted, knowing that he rarely asks for something from them.

"Okay, but we'll go under my terms if we're going to do it. It's not as much as what they give you in witness protection, but just remember that I'm doing this for your own safety."

"....and you're going in this university. It's a private one, not many students go there because of its exclusivity. It's a good thing your dad right here saved the director's life two years ago." His dad gave a struggled wink at Minho.

"Thanks, dad. But is it really necessary for you to send me off and pick me up? It's going to ruin your patrols." It's not really the patrols that concerns Minho, but the fact that a twenty year-old man like him needs to have a chaperone.

"No, son. We've already agreed to this. I can only make exceptions for certain things that is still up to discussion."

Minho scowled but made sure that his dad didn't see.

He then excused himself after going through his dad's terms himself and went to his room. He plopped down on his bed while looking at the uniform hanging at the door.

Tomorrow's the day I'm going to wear you. Tomorrow's the day I'll finally be out there. Heavens, please be good to me.

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