I'm Here, Hyung

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Minho and Jisung are back at their usual eating spot.

Which has now become a kissing spot as well.

Jisung on his lap again, while he embraced the smaller one.

The area is filled with nothing but the sound of their wet lips colliding. Kissing like there's no tomorrow.

They stopped to get some air. Just as when Jisung decided to go back in, Minho put a finger on his lips.

"Now, we really shouldn't be doing this on school grounds."

"You're such a buzz killer, Minho. Come on, nobody's here anyway."

"No, okay? We have plenty of time to do this on your apartment." Minho did one last peck on Jisung's lips before putting him beside the taller man.

"Besides, we haven't even eaten the food we bought. We can't just throw it away. Here, have some grapes."

Minho shoved a grape on the pouting cutie in front of him. Jisung wanted more, but he's also hungry so he went in and started snacking.

They were in the middle of a conversation when suddenly, Jisung halted everything he was doing, even stopping on chewing his food.

He saw a man behind Minho.

He was looking in their direction, suspiciously. He didn't even budge when he saw Jisung looking back. He couldn't recognize the man or make out his features because he's too far from where they are.

But it's also the same area where Minho said he saw a man.

"Hey, Jisungie are you okay?"

Minho was about to turn around when Jisung planted a kiss on his lips.

"Yah! There's still food in your mouth. Finish that first."

Jisung chewed fast and swallowed. "It's your fault for always calling me, Jisungie."

"It sounds cute. By the way, why were you looking behind my back?"

"I thought I saw Felix and Changbin wander around in that area. Since it's open for students again anyway." Lies.

"Changbin? Who is that?"

"Felix showed him to me last Tuesday. Then he said that he likes Changbin. But knowing Felix, he'll never confess to that man."

"It's really a good thing you have someone you know here. You went to the same high school, right?"

"Yeah. Oh! I remembered during the first day of classes, when I was about to enter the classroom, Felix approached me and said that you looked handsome."

"Oh?" Minho uttered as he reached out for the cheese burger they bought.

"It's true! Of course I agreed. But then I said you don't talk much. Felix answered me with, 'if you're not going to talk to him then I will.' And I can't let that happen! That's why I chose to sit beside you that time."

Minho let out a small laugh. "So, you wanted to get close to me just so you could gatekeep me from your friend?"

"I guess? But look where we are now. So who's the winner?" Jisung flipped his hair with a sassy expression.

Jisung needed this. He needed to get his mind off of what he saw. Was it really the same man Minho saw last time? If it was, why is he following them around?

He pushed all of his thoughts aside when he saw Minho happily munching on his burger, smiling like a child.

Hyung, I'll stay with you no matter what.

"Can't you really give me your phone number?"

"Not at this moment. Okay, please understand. I'll only be gone for a day and a half. I'll be back before you know it."

Jisung has his arms crossed, sulking because Minho wouldn't give any contacting details to him.

"Please, don't be like that. You know how I am. Just wait, okay?" Minho then kissed Jisung's forehead to somehow stop him from throwing a tantrum. And it worked.

Jisung unfolded his arms, and pulled him into an embrace.

"Hyung, I have a request."


Jisung looked at him, eyes difficult to read.

"When you're ready, can you please tell me more?"

Minho knew exactly what Jisung was talking about. He knew that they would arrive to this someday. Right now, he knew he's not in the position to tell Jisung everything.

"Of course, Jisungie. I know you can wait." He pecked Jisung's lips one last time before going out of the door.

Jisung saw Mr. Lee and waved them both good bye.

Now, it's back to his old lonely apartment.

He looked out the window, the city bustling with blinding lights.

Now that he's alone, he can't help but wonder, who is that man that he saw? Why does it bother Minho so much? It could just be any random stranger, probably a chaperone of a student.

But deep down in his guts, he knew something was fishy.

I won't let anyone hurt you, Minho.

I must protect you.

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