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Minho stayed in Jisung's apartment while the younger talked to his dad outside.

"He was really scared. He was trembling. He said he saw a man but when I looked back, no one was there. No one was allowed in that area as well during that time so it's impossible."

"Thank you for notifying me, Jisung. And also, thank you for taking care of my son. He's really been through a lot so I'm glad you're keeping up with him."

"Mr. Lee, Minho's really amazing. Out of all the friends I made in the university, he's definitely the best. So I'd do anything that'll make him feel better."

"Jisung", Minho's dad trailed off, "I'm actually in a slump right now. This may be too much to ask from you, knowing how much you're already helping him, but I have a favor to ask."

Jisung sensed that Minho's dad is getting embarassed with the way his ears are turning red.

"No, please! Your son's been helping me a lot these days so be my guest."

"I'm being relocated to the south. Also, my schedule is going to change next week. With these in consideration, I wouldn't be able to pick him up or send him off. I actually thought that I could let him commute on his own from now on, but with the way things are looking, he's really not up for it yet."

Minho's dad ran his hand on his hair. "So, I know it's too much to ask, but...can you let Minho stay with you for a while? At least until he's all better? I'll pick him up on my day-offs which is the weeke-"

"FOR REAL?!" Jisung exclaimed.

The fact that his current favorite person in the world is being asked to stay with him, in his lonely apartment. He could finally get to talk to him 24/7, maybe even getting bits of information from him. He can finally see his features any time he wants.

Damn, those facial features.

"Mr. Lee, you could've said sooner!" Jisung shouted as he shake Minho's dad by his shoulders.

"Look, son, Minho trusts you. And I know that he won't do it that easily with just anyone. I trust you, too. I just hope whatever boundaries he sets, you're okay with it."

"Of course, I will. Thank you for trusting me, Mr. Lee. And yes, he can stay here for as long as he likes. A little companion wouldn't hurt."

"Please, call me samchon.".

It was a Sunday afternoon and they just finished carrying all of Minho's things into Jisung's apartment. It wasn't that much, but it was still kind of tiring.

Minho and his dad talked some more outside before finally parting ways.

When Minho entered, Jisung was on the couch, panting.

"I'm sorry you had to help carry my things."

"No, it's alright. It was a good workout."

"Thank you for being so good to me, Jisungie."

The sudden nickname caught him off guard. Jisung felt his heart somersault inside him.

What made it worse is Minho patting his head, a job well done gesture. Jisung wasn't panting anymore, but he also wasn't breathing.

"Maybe you should start unpacking your stuff, hyung. My mom sent a new cabinet on my bedroom so you can put your clothes and your things there."

"Your room? No, I'm fine sleeping on the couch."

Jisung shot an angry look at him. "WHAT?! NO WAY! Your father entrusted you to me, on my care. So you're sleeping in my room."

"Where will you be sleeping?"

"In my room as well."

Minho looked like he's a child who got separated from his parents.

"Hyung, it's a king-sized bed. We're gonna fit in there just fine! You seriously aren't thinking that I'll be sleeping on the couch in my own apartment, right?"

Actually, Minho did think of it. Knowing how persuasive Jisung it, he just let it slide and started carrying his things onto the owner's bedroom.

He started walking away, not being able to see how the younger's eyes twinkled with the fact that he just decided that they'd be sleeping next to each other.

Oh, hyung. Why do you have to be so beautiful?

Jisung isn't even denying his feelings for Minho. He started getting fonder and fonder the more he spent time with him. If this is how he's going to feel safe, he's ready to sacrifice everything for him (except for his own bed).

He wanted to confess, but he knows that he has to find the right timing to do it.

It's a Thursday night. Minho and Jisung just finished their dinner. Which was fried chicken that they ordered. Minho wanted to cook, but Jisung said that he couldn't wait for it because he's too hungry so they just settled on ordering.

Minho's now focused on answering Jisung's textbook as part of the private tutoring. The thing is, Jisung has already learned so much that he's going to survive three weeks even without brushing up on his lessons. Minho's a really great tutor and he explains them in a way Jisung's brain would understand.

"Hyuuuuung", Jisung whined, "can we do something else? At this rate, you're going to teach me what I need for the next semester! Can we slow down please? Let's watch a movie or something."

"You can start the movie. I'll just catch up. I promise I'll stop after this topic." Minho didn't even bother lifting his head to talk to Jisung.

Jisung sighed, and turned on the TV. He went straight to Netflix and played the first recommendation it gave him.

Great. A romantic movie. Just great.

First ten minutes into it and he's already bored. His chin resting on his palm, he turned to look at Minho, who has his glasses on and seemed to be engulfed by whatever he's trying to answer.

Jisung took his time to admire him again. From his hair, down to his forehead, his eyes, nose, and stopping at his lips.

"Damn, you look so good. I could just kiss you right now".

Minho turned his head around to see a shocked Jisung, as shocked as he is.

"Hold on. What did you say?"

Shit. At least Jisung didn't say that one out loud. He's looking for an excuse, a joke, something that he could say to make sense of what just came out of his mouth.


Oh, fuck this shit.

"I like you, hyung!"

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