Hello, Stranger

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"Thanks, Dad. Now can you please leave?"
"Come on, Minho. Cut your father some slack. Everbody has their chaperones here, you know."

Yeah, like their personal drivers and all. Knowing how expensive this university is, he's expecting to see bodyguards outside his class or something alike.

"Have a safe trip, dad. I'll update, okay?" His voice sounded softer this time, now the anxiety of being alone, with other people, is sinking in. He can't yell mom or dad anymore and expect them to be there. They're all going to be strangers to him, and that idea icked him.

But it's too late to chicken out now. His dad has already driven off.

He started wandering around the university, making sure that he's keeping a distance from everyone as if they have an infectious disease in them. He saw the sports department, the laboratories, etc. When he saw that he's only a few minutes away from his first class, he hurried down the hall in hopes of finding the room in time.

"Room 325....325...Where the fuck is it? Oh!"

He's been so pre-occupied looking at the room numbers that he didn't see the boy in front of him. He's quite smaller in frame, his puffy cheeks and full circle eyes in display.

"I-im really sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" Minho did a 90-degree bow and was about to run away from the stranger when the boy grabbed him by the wrist, freezing him on the spot.

"Hey, you're looking for Room 325? It's this way. Come on, you can come along with me." The stranger then let go of Minho's wrist and ushered to follow him.

"I'm Jisung by the way. Han Jisung." The stranger introduced himself while his back was facing Minho.

Jisung suddenly went to a halt and turned around.

"Don't you have a name?" His brows giving a confused look at the taller man.

"I'm Min...ho..." His voice going lower every syllable he spurts out.

"Minho? Did I hear that correct?" Minho nods wordlessly.

"I see you're not the talkative type. I'm sorry for intruding your space. I'll keep quiet now." Jisung then turned the balls of his feet and started moving forward again.

After two minutes of walking (which felt like an hour for Minho) they finally arrived at their room.

Minho's first instinct was to go to the farthest seat at the back so no one bothers him, not at this state, where he's still being accustomed to strangers around him.

He started getting settled on his seat when he heard the rattling of the desk next to him, chair being dragged. He looked up and saw Jisung taking the seat next to him. Just great.

There were like fifteen seats in front of them, all vacant, but Jisung decided to sit next to him.

Minho wanted to say something, but he can't. He knows that he would only stutter, knowing that this is his formal debut on the outside world, with outsiders. So he just tried his best to ignore him.

Class went well, mostly with introductions and their instructor giving them the topics for the next lectures to come. As soon as he dismissed the class, Minho didn't wait for another second to get out of his desk and go somewhere completely isolated.

He started speed walking, looking around where he thinks there could be an empty spot.

He has wandered off to a more secluded area of the university. Well, it's not really that hard to find an empty space considering how exclusive it is. There's a lot of space for everyone.

He sat on a bench that faces the soccer field. He put his bag beside him and closed his eyes.

How was he so excited to go on his own just yesterday and then act like this? He hasn't even talked to more than one person today and it's already draining him.

No, it's not draining him, his mind corrected. It's the fact that he's being cautious. Every person could be a potential threat to him. That's how his trauma has affected him. The fear of not knowing who they are, where they're from, or anything about their background scares him. They could be the end of him for all he knows.

He was having a moment until it was disturbed by footsteps. Shit.

Minho got up and grabbed his bag when a voice behind him called.

"Hey! Leaving so soon? I just got here." It was Jisung. Didn't he just say a while ago that he won't be intruding?

"I'm sorry. I just really need some time alone to kill. Nothing against you." Minho's eyes were fixed on the ground, making sure not to make eye contact with his 'friend'.

"Oh, yeah. My bad. But hey, you seem like a laid-back person and you're not like most of the people here with their stuck-up personalities so I really wanted to be your friend. I'm sorry for bothering you a lot today. I hope you can warm up to me some other time."

Minho didn't know how to respond to that. He faced Jisung's direction, but head down, he bowed and made his exit.


I'd love that, too. Maybe, some other time.

Maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe Minho's just paranoid for thinking that everbody's looking at him like a prey. Maybe he's ready to have a friend. His mind full of uncertainties. But at least his maybes are all on the positive side.

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