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Minho's all alone in their apartment now. No noisy Jisung bothering him to stop studying and just cuddle with him.

He got all the time in the world to finish his requirements. It's been an hour and a half since Jisung left to help Felix and it's been thirty minutes since Jisung last called him to check if everything's okay.

Minho took a break from answering his papers and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks and also to keep himself hydrated.

As soon as he closed the fridge door, he heard the electronic beep of the entrance, notifying him that someone entered the apartment.

He excitedly went to the living room to welcome his partner.

"My baby Jisungie!"

"Felix, I really need to go! We've been out here for two hours and all you did was look around. You haven't bought anything! And here I thought you got a list already or something!"

"Sung, you're such a vibe killer! I just can't find what I'm looking for."

"And what is that exactly?!" Jisung shouted at his friend while redialling his landline number because Minho hasn't picked up his last five calls.

"That's it!" Jisung pocketed his phone, "I'm going home. You're a grown up Felix, you can figure this out on your own."

He heard Felix shout his name but he didn't care. He started running towards the parking lot. Did Minho fall asleep already? It's possible, but also quite impossible knowing that Minho would probably make sure that he gets home first before sleeping.

He started driving. He wanted to go over the speed limit. He couldn't focus. He wanted to know why Minho wasn't answering.

Before he knew it, he had already arrived at their residences. He quickly parked his car and ran towards the entrance. As soon as he got into the elevator, he pressed the eighth floor like crazy.

Please be alright, hyung. Please be alright.

He quickly pressed the passcode of his apartment. Messing it up the first time and muttering 'fuck' before being able to input the correct one.

"Hyung! Minho! Why aren't you answering???"

He saw that there was a pair of shoes that he isn't familiar with. Did he invite a guest?

Until he heard it.

"Please...let me....go...."



He pushed his bedroom door open.

There he was. His hyung. Crying hard. In bed. A bloody cut on his lips, his nose bleeding as well, and a bruise near his eyes.

His hands were pinned to his head by someone sitting on his lap. A slimmer and taller man. His long black hair was tied to a ponytail.

The mysterious man turned around.

"No, only you and I know the passcode to this apartment."

He forgot one more person.

"Hello there, brother."


He shoved the man out of his way to comfort his sobbing boyfriend. Only then he saw that his fingers were trembling. He hugged Minho like there was no tomorrow, reassuring him that he's finally there, that he's staying by his side. That he's safe now.

I Must Protect ( MinSung )Where stories live. Discover now