You Wanna Come In?

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"Jisung, if anything happens to my son, I will 100% find you. Please take care of him, I'll call again once this is over."

"Thank you, Mr. Lee. I will. I promise."

Finally, the discussion is over. Minho still looks shaken, but is in a more relaxed state compared to before.

Jisung ended the call. They agreed that Minho will stay at his apartment for the meantime, also to keep him company, until his father finishes his task with the police.

He held Minho's arms and helped him walk to the car. Jisung opened the door for him and closed it gently, making sure that he doesn't startle the other.

As soon as he got seated on the driver's seat, he noticed that Minho started fidgeting again, looking around like he's some kidnapper ready to take his organs out.

He turned on the lights inside the car and opened the car window.

"Is it better?" Jisung asked.

Minho nodded and gave him a half smile.

"Don't worry, hyung. I'll drive faster so we can get there in no time."

They both put on their seatbelts and contrary to what Jisung said, he actually drove cautiously and much slower than his normal speed. He didn't want to scare Minho some more.

Just as they arrived to his residences, Jisung decided to park on the open parking lot than his usual underground parking as he observed that closed spaces seem to make his classmate anxious.

After parking, he hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for Minho. He held Minho by his left arm, offering support.

When they finally entered the building, Minho finally spoke, "I'm alright now. You can let go."

Jisung suddenly realized that he has been holding Minho for some time and that made him a bit embarassed, his flushed cheeks being a sign of that.

Minho looked around the building. He knew that no common person who works their ass off eight hours a day could afford a space in this one. But it didn't matter to him. He already knew for a fact that his friend is rich rich.

It was the bright lights and the bright colors that welcomed him. It's no longer dark in here. He let out a sigh and smiled at Jisung. A smile so sincere that the smaller male didn't expect.

"Uhhh.. so yeah, I'll lead the way." Jisung started walking towards the elevator.

His room is located on the eighth floor. When they got out of the elevator, Jisung noticed that Minho let out another sigh like before. He must be claustrophobic, he thought to himself.

He entered the passcode, but as he did that, he blurted out, "4419 is the password. Just in case you want to stop by or disturb me by your own will."

Minho gave a soft laugh at the remark. "Bold of you to think that I would do that."

Jisung opened the door and waited for Minho to come in.

"You go first, please."

Jisung was taught that the visitors should enter first, but if Minho requested that he go in first, then he'll oblige.

He's already at the apartment, but Minho is still outside, looking like he's having second thoughts.

"Hey, do you wanna come in? I don't bite for pete's sake."

After a solid ten seconds, Minho finally let himself in. It was really a spacious apartment. He took off his shoes and started roaming around.

"Wow, and you got all this space all by yourself?" Minho asked while his eyes darted from one side to another.

"Yeah, it was good for the first few weeks but like I said before, it gets lonely."

Minho finally settled on the couch located in the living room. He laid down and closed his eyes. It's a different environment, but at least he has Jisung with him, and there are lights all over the place.

Jisung sat on the couch, taking up the extra space beside Minho's head.

"So what do you want to do? Play video games? Watch TV? Netflix?"

"Can you give me that textbook I was answering a while ago?"

Jisung was surprised, but knowing his friend, he realized that it's really an obvious choice.

Minho sat up as Jisung handed him the textbook.

He started flipping the pages, then found where he left off. He's using his left hand to write now.

Jisung is still in awe everytime he gets to witness his friend's ambidexterity. He scooted closer next to Minho and just watched him be get consumed with all the math problems in front of him.

Then an idea popped up.

"Hey, hyung" he started, "would you like to be my private tutor?"

"A what?" Minho asked, eyes still glued to the book.

"My private tutor, Minho! I really need help with my math and I know you're also great with the other subjects I'm taking. Please, it would really help me a lot. Of course you'd get paid. I'll let my mom know so she can give me the payment."

"No, thanks, Jisung."

Jisung was pained with the lifeless response of his friend, but he's not a quitter.

"Hear me out. You get to study with me and brush up on your own lessons. You get to help out a desperate friend. You'll also have an income that'll help you with your allowances", he paused, preparing for the last charge that he thought would make him say yes, "and I can show what you've missed all the time you were homeschooled. I'm assuming you mostly stayed at home so this is the perfect opportunity to catch up on things our age do."

Minho stopped writing, trying to process the proposal he just heard. He looked at Jisung, who is now making puppy eyes at him.

"Yeah, no. Besides, my parents, or at least my dad, wouldn't allow it."

Minho did want to say yes, starting from the income part. Now that they're not receiving any financial support, it's all up to his dad's salary and his mom's extra income to sustain all of their needs.

Jisung scoffed. He got up and walked away, going into the kitchen to grab some food for the both of them.

He sat back to his position beside Minho while the older continued to answer the textbooks.

Jisung was getting bored, and before he knew it. His eyelids were getting heavier each second.

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