Tell Me, Baby

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Minho blinked thrice at Jisung.

"You. You like me?" He clarified.

"Dumbass. Yes! I like you. I just said it."

"But why, aren't you into girls?"

"Oh, wow. I didn't take you for the type of person who assumes someone's sexuality. I'm really disappointed."

"I haven't been around people of all sexuality thank you very much."

Minho shifted his position so that his body is facing Jisung's.

"Still, you didn't answer my question. Why do you like me?"

Jisung relaxed. He had only noticed that he's been squeezing his pillow too hard ever since he said his confession.

He laid his back on the other end of the couch and started talking.

"I don't know. Like I said, you're so pure. There's just really something so attractive in you. Even if you ignore me a lot of times, when you smile at me, when you talk back to me, it just...It sends me a feeling of fulfillment. I'm happy around you."

Jisung took a quick glance at Minho, who is attentively listening, before fixing his eyes on the floor again.

"Plus, have you seen yourself on the mirror? You're so good looking. That's such a big bonus."

Minho chuckled. He felt good knowing he's being adored not just because of his personality, but also because he's handsome. He really would've thought that Jisung sees him as lacking in that area.

"Jisung, I'm gonna be honest with you. The lack of interaction with other people really affected my life. I'm really glad that after all those times I chose to keep quiet, you're still here with me."

Minho let out a sigh before continuing.

"I really don't know how to respond to that. I'm not sure if I really feel the same way or not. Of course, just because you're Jisungie doesn't mean that I'll say I like you too. I want to be sure of it first."

That nickname sent shivers down Jisung's body.

"I understand, Minho. I'm not forcing you to give me an answer now."

Minho gave him a thank you smile, a smile so sincere it could just melt Jisung in his spot.

After that, nobody spoke.

Minutes passed and the deafening silence is starting to get to the both of them. They wanted to break it. But no one is brave enough to do it.

"So, would it be fine if I kiss you?"

Well, Jisung is apparently too brave to use that phrase to break the awkwardness.

" not sure."

"Are you worried that you might be a sloppy kisser?"


Jisung laughed at Minho's reaction, but since he had already raised the topic, might as well dive into it.

"I'll bet on my apartment that I would be your first kiss, aside from your parents or relatives."

He isn't wrong.

"Well, yeah. That's obvious, I guess." Minho's running out of words to say. He knew that Jisung's gonna take over this conversation and he'll be saying yes by the end of it.

"I'm not going to judge, hyung. And kissing you might give you a clearer answer whether you like me or not, right?"

There it is. That talk Jisung does that is just so right, you can't make a rebuttal out of it.

Well, the more Minho thinks about it, the more Jisung's going to persuade him. So might as well give in.

"Okay, fine."

Jisung eyes lit up like the fourth of July with Minho's answer. The excitement very apparent from his face.

Minho put the textbook down on the table in front of them. He then also took his glasses off.

Jisung just watches as the glasses slid from his face down to the table. How can a guy be so hot looking by just taking his glasses off? He thought that it'll only happen in anime. Apparently, it's possible if you're a guy named Lee Minho.

Minho gave him a you can now kiss me look. Jisung could feel his heart jumping up and down with all the things that's going to unfold soon.

He got up and walked to Minho's side of the couch and then sat on his lap. Minho was definitely stunned with the gesture. He's super close to Jisung and that made him blush. He felt that his ears are beginning to redden as well.

"Hyung, you're so cute when you're shy."

Jisung cupped Minho's face and looked into his galaxy eyes intensely. He's really going to do it. He's really going to kiss the man he just confessed to.

Minho closed his eyes in anticipation of the pair of lips that is going to touch his.

Jisung copied Minho and started inching closer to those pink lips that he's been wanting to taste.

And there it is.

Their lips touched.

His lips are so soft. They both thought.

Minho's lips slightly parted, and Jisung took that chance to deepen the kiss. He pulled Minho's face closer with his hands while their mouths are being engulfed in a passionate dance.

Minho's drowning in the kiss. The way their lips brush, the way Jisung sucked on his bottom lip, and the way they kept going. This is definitely the most intimate thing he's done in his life, and there was no one in his mind to do it with but Jisung. He's happy it's Jisung. He wishes it's always Jisung.

Jisung pulled away, to be presented with Minho's sparkling eyes, confused and wanting to continue the kiss.

"You're not a bad kisser, hyung."

"I don't know what a bad or good kisser, but I like your kisses, Jisungie." Minho's eyes turned into curved lines as he gave Jisung a smile.

That's it. How can he stop kissing this man in front of him?

Jisung lunged at Minho's lips once again, this time, more passionate than ever. He wrapped his arms around Minho's neck.

Minho's hands, which were placed awkwardly on the couch, finally found the right place. He pulled Jisung's body into an embrace and that only drove Jisung crazier than he already is.

He slid his tongue into Minho's mouth, which earned a surprised response from the older with a suppressed moan.

Seconds after that, Minho copied his actions. Next thing Jisung knew is both of their tongues fighting for dominance, both exploring the taste of their mouths.

After what looks like an eternity of kissing, Minho finally broke it.

He stared at Jisung, who's somehow confused as to why he chose to stop the momentum.

He brushed off the bangs that was covering Jisung's forehead, an action that made Jisung flusher than before.


"I like you too."

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