All In

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"Here you go, pretty boy. You'll be staying here."

Hyunjin took off Minho's blindfold. Minho, still adjusting from the light, squinted his eyes. He wasn't expecting it to be a place where he'll be held captive.

It's just like Jisung's room, not the look, but the space, and a bed where Hyunjin is currently seated.

Hyunjin untied his hands, and let him stand up.

"You can try to escape. Use the door, jump from the window, probably through the ceiling, I don't care. Just know that you'll come back here with more bruises if you do that."

Minho started trembling again. This wasn't supposed to happen. If only...

If only he wasn't so careless as to bump to Jisung that day. If only he had ignored Jisung everytime he tried to bother him. If only he was a more diligent son and didn't force his father to withdraw him from the witness protection program.

"Hey, now. It's alright. Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you....yet."

Hyunjin held Minho by the arms and helped him sit up on the bed.

"You know, I have a lot of time to spare, so why don't we play some games?"

Hyunjin held Minho by the chin, and started nibbling on his ear.


"I don't think you're in the position to make rules here, Nomin."

Tears started leaving his eyes. He doesn't like what he's experiencing now. Being held hostage, knowing that it might be his last day on the surface, and someone else other than Jisung doing such intimate things to him.

" he involved with this in any way?"

Hyunjin stopped giving kisses to Minho's neck and scoffed.

"Do you really like my brother that much? What's so great about him? Anyway, yeah. He's not involved in this. Have you seen him? He's such an idiot, he'll never survive things like this."

That's because Jisung wouldn't do things like this.

He wanted to tell Hyunjin just that, but he's scared that it would piss him off and he'd continue pestering Minho.

"Well, you're just in luck pretty boy, 'cause I got an appointment right now. We'll continue this later."

Hyunjin went for the door, and moments later, he's gone.

Minho is left all alone. Crying, scared, worried about his parents.

If only you're here, Jisung. You'd know what to do.

He laid down on the bed and cried, until he can no longer keep his eyes open.

"Jisung, your mom's going to kill me if she hears about this."

"And she won't, hyung. I promise."

Jisung is now in Chan's place. He used to be Jisung's bodyguard for some time when he was in high school because his mom was overprotective and a little paranoid.

Jisung fiddled with the package laid out in front of him. "Hyung, is my dad a bad guy?"

"I don't know. We all have different perspectives when it comes down to judging people."

"Thank you for a very helpful answer."

Jisung felt exhaustion coming into his body. I wonder if Minho's alright.

I Must Protect ( MinSung )Where stories live. Discover now