Awkward Silence

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***please see description for trigger warnings

Please be the right place. Please be the right place.

He only had one location in mind. He would always hear Hyunjin say that he's going to his aunt's place. Since they have different mothers, his relatives on his mom's side didn't concern Jisung.

Whenever he asked Hyunjin where that was, he would only say 'up North'.

Nothing else. Jisung didn't even bother asking because they were never close in the first place. Hyunjin was too hard to read for him.

Until one late night.

Hyunjin reeked of alcohol and accidentally went to Jisung's room.

"Hyunjin, what the fuck! Get out of my room!"

"Oh, shit. This isn't mine? Hey, Jisung. Would you be so kind and help your brother up?"

"No. Now get out of here."

"I'm gonna puke all over your bed."

"You're so disgusting. Hurry up!" Jisung exclaimed as he yanked Hyunjin out of his bed.

When the task was finished, Jisung went back to his room to find Hyunjin's cellphone on his bed. Clumsy fucker.

He saw a notification pop up that read 'We got another one tomorrow. Same place, Yellow Wood Street'.

Where would that be? The place was unfamiliar to him. He put Hyunjin's phone on his nightstand and decided to finally get some rest.

Now, here he is. Trying to locate Yellow Wood Street on his GPS. North, Yellow Wood, North, Yellow Wood.

He was beginning to arrive on the outskirts of town in search of Yellow Wood street.

Fewer and fewer houses are to be seen, lights getting dimmer, as his GPS shows him that he's getting nearer.

After five more minutes of driving, he slowed down. He's now traversing Yellow Wood Street. He's looking for a sign. If they're going to do something like murdering someone, where would that be?

Until he saw it. What seemed to be a run-down house, much like the house in the IT movie. With all the darkness surrounding the place, and no neighbors for the next kilometer or so, he knew he was at the right place.

He got out of his car and started banging on the gate.

"Hyunjin! Open up! Let me in you sick fuck!"

No answer. He continued kicking, punching, on the gate but on the rattling sound of metal was the feedback he was getting.

Suddenly, he heard a motorcycle coming his way. Its headlight power was too bright he had to put a hand in front of his eyes as a shield.

The motorcycle stopped in front of him. The person driving revealed himself by taking off his helmet.

"What are you doing here?!"

It was obvious from Hyunjin's tone and face that he was surprised to see his brother there.

"Where's Minho? I have to see him!"

"I'm not letting you see him, Jisung. Just accept the fact that tomorrow morning, you're single and ready to mingle."

Jisung grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of his motorcycle.

"Would you please just let me see him." It wasn't a question. It was a command. Hyunjin laughed, he's never seen his brother this uptight. And judging by his oversized sweatshirt with a pair of loose sweatpants, how could he rescue his boyfriend?

"Okay, fine. Gonna make love to him one last time?" Hyunjin let out a louder laugh after his remark.

He pulled a remote control from his pocket and pressed a button that made the gates open. As soon as the space was big enough for Jisung to pass through, he ran quickly to the house only to be stopped by Hyunjin.

"Sheesh, calm down! Do you want to get shot by the people in there or not? At least give me a moment to tell them I have a visitor."

Hyunjin opened the door and he was welcomed by the two men who were with him a while ago in Jisung's apartment.

They were readying their hands to pull a gun but Hyunjin stopped them with a "He's with me."

They went upstairs and Hyunjin pointed at the black door at the end of the hallway.

"Your prince is right there."

Jisung hurriedly opened the door to see Minho, sleeping, his hands clutching a pillow.

"Jisung, dad and his men will be here soon. Hours, maybe minutes, and you have to be gone by then so don't take your time. Make your reunion quick."

Hyunjin closed the door behind him.


He could see that Minho's eyes are swollen, probably from crying.

He hugged him tight, "Hyung, I'm here now."

The hug woke Minho up. Turning around, he saw Jisung, crying, his emotions a mixed of worry and relief.

"Jisungie? Jisungie! What are you doing here?!"

Jisung put a finger on Minho's mouth to shush him. "I'm getting you out of here."

Minho wiped his boyfriend's tears away and held his hands. "Jisung, you know that's impossible."

"Hyung, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do. But we both kno-"

"Then please, just keep on trusting me okay? We'll both get out of here. Alive. Okay? Just trust me."

Minho wanted to do that, but knowing how powerful Jisung's dad is, he knew he'd never see the light of this situation.

He held Jisung's face and kissed him. If this will be the last time we'll see each other, then I want you to remember this, Minho thought to himself.

Jisung kissed him back, wrapping his arms around Minho's next. The kiss felt different from all the kisses they've shared. It was slow, it was quiet, it was sad.

"I'm here, hyung. I won't let you go this time." Jisung uttered as continued to give reassuring kisses to the older.

Both of them halted when they heard footsteps approaching.

"Hyung", Jisung said in an almost inaudible register, "keep your eyes closed."

He put his forehead onto Minho's forehead till he saw him close his eyes.

"Time's up, Jisung. Dad's almost here. I don't want you witnessing whatever scene he's gonna do to your pretty boy."

"Hyunjin", Jisung trailed off as he played with Minho's hair, the latter's eyes still shut, showing his beautiful long lashes, "do you really want to have a life like this?"

"Oh for fuck's sake Jisung, I'm not in the mood for any pep talk right now. We have to go."

Jisung put Minho's head on his chest. "I'm not letting you take him away from me."

"That's it."

Jisung heard the hammer of a gun being pulled back. He turned around to see Hyunjin pointing a .45 pistol at him.

"I'm not gonna shoot you dead but I'm gonna shoot you where it won't be fatal just for you to get out of here."

"Hyunjin, you don't have to do this. Can we start over? Do we even need dad?"

Hyunjin put his index finger on the trigger. "We're leaving here and that's final."

"I'm sorry, hyung."

Jisung felt a pang in his chest. He knew that he wasn't addressing Minho this time.

"We could've been closer, Hyunjin hyung."

"I'm not letting Minho go."

...and a trigger was pulled.

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