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Chan clapped as he complimented Jisung on yet another perfect shot on the shooting range. All targets have been penetrated by bullets.

Jisung took the headphones off and walked towards Chan.

"Sooner or later I'll be a better shooter than you, hyung."

"Well, I don't see why that would be a problem."

It's summer vacation, and all Jisung's been doing is hanging out at the shooting range with Chan. If his hyung is occupied, then he would just catch up on episodes of Detective Conan in his apartment.

He hasn't talked to Felix since that night he stormed into his house. It was better that way for Jisung. Felix also didn't bother him after that, and he was glad it stayed that way.

"Well, I gotta go home now, Jisung. Unlike you, I got a kid and responsibilities now."

"I'm never getting married, that's for sure."

"You'll never know. Anyway, I'll catch up on you. See you next time."

Chan waved him good-bye.

Guess it's back to my apartment then.

He went by the video game store first to find the new game releases so he could pass time when he's bored.

Most of the things he bought were shooting games. With his newfound hobby, he felt like it would only be appropriate if he gets those games.

As soon as he got home, he noticed that his bedroom door was open. He was so sure that he closed it before going out.

He slowly opened the door to see who the intruder was.



He didn't know if he was hallucinating or not. It's been months since the last time they saw each other. Minho dyed his hair with dark streaks of brown and his choice of clothing definitely leveled up with a button-up navy shirt and leather pants.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come back for my things. I actually expected that you'd have thrown them out by now, but it looks like they were just disheveled so I'm trying to fold them right now."

Well, yeah, because I smelled them and hugged them for like a whole month before keeping them all in there.

"Wow, so considerate of you with your things. I thought I'd donate them, but with your poor taste in fashion, I don't think they'd want that." Irritation was evident in Jisung's voice.

"Can you please hurry up with that and get out of my house?" Jisung commanded as he walked to the kitchen. He needed a glass of water, quick.

It's been almost a year and he would just show up like that. Like that?

I should've changed that damn passcode.

He inhaled slowly and deeply before closing his eyes.

Calm down, it's all good. You just need to calm down.

He opened them only to be presented with those sparkling eyes looking back at him.

He quickly backed away.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I missed you, Jisungie."

"Oh, so now you miss me??"

Jisung huffed. "You left me remember? When I was at my lowest, you decided to leave me. You threw me a really crappy explanation and left all of your things with me. And now you're back as if there was nothing wrong with what you did?!"

I Must Protect ( MinSung )Where stories live. Discover now