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"Dude, you really should socialize more, you know."

Jisung took another bite of the sandwich Minho gave him before continuing his statement.

"What's stopping you?"

"Reasons" was all Minho could mutter. Here they are again, to what is now 'their' hiding spot, eating the snacks Mrs. Lee packed.

Apparently, Minho's mom is now preparing snacks or meals for two, now that her son has mentioned that he made a friend.

"Ahh." Jisung couldn't help but scowl at the older. They've been doing this for days but he's mostly doing all the talking and Minho would react only at the most random things.

"Come on, hyung. I know this guy named Felix from one of my classes. He has the same personality as me and I'm sure you'd get along just fine."

Minho's been used to Jisung calling him by his name, or with honorifics. He really didn't mind. Jisung explained that when he was in primary school, he took advanced classes and skipped 3rd and 4th grade that's why he's already in uni despite being two years younger than Minho.

"I'm good, Jisung. I'm really not the social type. But I'll do my best okay? I really just need some time to adjust." Minho puffed another chip into his mouth.

Jisung moved closer to Minho. "Why do you need to adjust?"

"I'm homeschooled."

"Oh, okay. Now I understand. Alright, if you need any help with socializing, just let me know." Jisung tapped the other's shoulder lightly as to assure him that he's willing to help.

Minho gave him a smile as an answer back.

And they continued with their usual routine, Jisung talking while Minho listens.

"Wow, hyung! You're really smart! I've been struggling with these problems for hours!" Jisung is still looking at the paper Minho handed him, eyes wide and mouth open wide. He still couldn't believe that the man in front of him solved it in less than ten minutes.

"It's actually not that hard once you get how to use the formula."

"Easy for you to say! I don't even know how to understand it with all those numbers and letters and symbols mixed up."

Minho gave Jisung a confused look. "Aren't you smart? You took advanced classes, right?"

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Yeah...in primary school! Those were different times, dude!"

"You really should tutor me sometime. Like on your free time or this, I'm learning a lot faster when you're the one doing the lectures", the younger added.

Jisung laid down on the concrete, putting his hands at the back of his head, while Minho sits at the bench.

Minho seems to be drawn at solving the whole textbook Jisung gave him, not noticing that the younger is looking at him for minutes now.

Minho has his head down most of the time, and the only moment Jisung gets to see all of his facial features is during thoss glances Minho would throw occasionally, probably happened for only five times.

Now, he can see how soft his eyes are, sparkling like they hold stars in them, his tall nose that makes a killer side profile, and his lips, moving while he's reading the numbers, plump with a pinkish shade.

Minho's waiting at the driveway, feet restless, stomping nonstop.

Where the fuck are you dad?

His dad is twenty minutes late. Not really a habit of his, knowing that his dad arrives at least twenty minutes earlier than scheduled everyday.

He jumped up as soon as he heard his phone ring, displaying 'Dad' on the screen.

"Dad! Where are you? It's getting kind of dark now."

"Son, I'm really sorry. Something came up in the station and they're holding me in. I can't leave the scene for another two hours probably." His dad's voice was obviously worried, knowing that his son would be stranded in there, with no one else with him. Well, it would've been better if it really was just him.

"Two hours?! What am I supposed to do? Do you want me to take a taxi or a bus?"

"No! Don't! Son, please give me a moment to clear my head. I'm still thinking of a way. I can only stay here for a couple more minutes before they call me back in there."

Minho wished that the sunset could've lasted longer for another hour. It's getting really dark out there, good thing the university has an adequate supply of lighting to keep his surroundings bright. But still, Minho didn't like it.

He's starting to breathe heavily, his fingers beginning to tremble. He held the phone tight waiting for his dad to propose an idea when a car suddenly pulled up in front of him.

He wanted to run, but his current mindset only left him frozen on the spot.

He saw the car door open....and a gush of relief hit him when he saw that it was Jisung.

"Hyung! Are you okay? You don't look alright." Jisung rushed to where Minho was standing, alarmed to see him like that.

"Minho! Minho! Who is that?!" Mr. Lee shouted from the other line.

Minho swallowed hard. He may be relieved that it was Jisung but his mind is still a clutter, flashbacks running in his mind like it's fast forwarded. He tried his best to find the words he wanted to say.

"He's...my... classmate. Jisung. Mom knows about him."

Jisung's brows looks like they're going to be united as one because of how the older is acting. So he took the phone from Minho's hand and started speaking. Minho could only give him a look of protest.

"Hello? Mr. Lee? Yeah, your son isn't looking good at the moment. I think he's panicking. I think you're supposed to pick him up?"

"I don't know who you are so you better give the phone back to my son or else!"

"No, no! I'm sorry, Mr. Lee. But he's really not looking good. It's true that I'm his classmate. I just don't know what to do with him at this state. He's shaking and he can't seem to speak his mind at the moment."

Minho's dad gave a loud sigh on the other end. This is why he didn't want to let Minho out of the witness protection program. He just wasn't ready yet.

"Please, for the last time, Jisung. Please give the phone back to my son," Mr. Lee said sternly.

Feeling goosebumps by how his voice sounds a lot scarier now, Jisung heeded to what Mr. Lee wanted and gave the phone back to Minho, which was still panting.

"Minho, you hear me son?"

"Dad...I....", Minho blinks, trying to catch his breath and preparing for the next words to keep his dad from worrying, "I trust him."

I Must Protect ( MinSung )Where stories live. Discover now