Gone Days

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***please see description for trigger warnings

Jisung has been sleeping all day until he was awaken by a pair of arms hugging him from behind.

He quickly turned around to see his favorite person smiling widely at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." Minho motioned Jisung to come closer so they can go back to hugging.

Of course, Jisung happily followed. His boyfriend is back. Back in his arms again.


Jisung sat up. "Hyung, you are my boyfriend, right?"

"Do you want me to be?"

"Yah! Lee Minho!"

Minho sat up too and pinched Jisung's cheeks.

"Of course I am. You're my Jisungie. My cutie Jisungie."

They're boyfriends.

Jisung swatted Minho's hands and covered his face with his own hands. He felt like he was blushing like crazy.

"I actually brought some food and they're already in the fridge. Help yourself up."

Minho laid down again and closed his eyes. "I'm kind of beat. Did a lot of chores before I went here."

"Then I'll stay with you." Jisung laid his head on Minho's chest, listening to his loud heartbeats. Minho put his arms around Jisung and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm just going to take a nap. When I wake up, let's eat dinner, okay?"

"I can just eat you." Jisung commented, which earned him a soft smack in the shoulder from Minho.

It has been a month since Minho sort of moved in with Jisung, and they're growing more and more comfortable with each other. Jisung still likes to tease Minho but never going over the limitations.

Minho had just finished washing the dishes. It's a Saturday night but he's going to stay with Jisung because his parents are going to attend a gathering somewhere.

He went into Jisung's room to find him watching One Punch Man from his laptop.

"You really like that anime, huh."

"It's so funny! And I just can't wait to find out who the other top heroes are."

"Jisungie, you can just start reading the manga so you'll know what's the latest." Minho said as he plopped down the bed and put the blanket over him.

"I prefer animation for a reason, Minho. Thank you very much."

When Jisung noticed that his partner's been settled in his spot, he closed the laptop and put it on the nightstand.

He scooted over Minho's side of the bed and gave him a tight embrace.

He noticed that Minho didn't respond to it. His eyes were already shut. Was he sleeping already?

Then Minho let out a loud and long sigh. He opened his eyes to see Jisung looking alarmed because of what he did.

He sat up and rested on the headboard while patting the space beside him.

Jisung moved to where Minho was patting and laid his back on the headboard, too.

What he wasn't expecting was for his boyfriend to lay his head on Jisung's legs. He's mostly the one doing it, so for Minho to do it, this must be a special moment.

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