You Can Stay

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A week has passed since Minho attended university and so far, still no luck with getting out of his comfort zone and socializing with people. He would always be the first one to leave class once it's dismissed, and he also found a new hiding spot. It looked like it's supposed to be a part of the garden but the gardeners were too lazy to finish it. There were metal bars with vines growing all over so it kind of hid him from everyone's view.

He would always go there after buying food at the cafeteria. He doesn't buy much because his mom would always make sure that he has something to snack on. Typical mom.

Also, Jisung hasn't bothered him since that conversation they had last time. Well, it was mostly Jisung who spoke. He would sit beside Minho during their shared classes but that's it. He's now being true to his "no intrusion" words.

Or so Minho thought.


Minho was startled with the ecstatic greeting. Turning his gaze around, there was his friend, all smiles with a snack in hand.

"I just wanted to say hi. That's it. I figured if I'd pop up from time to time you'd eventually talk soon. So, bye I guess?"

"Wait..." Minho said, his voice can be compared to a loud whisper. "You can stay, if you want."

Jisung quickly turned his head, eyes wide open and bewildered that Minho not only spoke to him, but also asked him, to STAY.

"Well, that's really a nice surprise!" Jisung exclaimed as he scooted next to Minho who was looking at the packaging of one of the chips he brought.

Minho didn't say another word. In his mind, he was sure that he made a decision that if ever Jisung tries to communicate with him, he'll try to communicate back. But now that the man with the puffy cheeks is actually here, he couldn't say anything.

But he seemed happy that I spoke to him. That's a progression, right?

They both ate in silence, only the crinkling bags of snacks and their chewing could be heard until Jisung decided to break the silence.

"So....Minho. What do you want to talk about? Any topics you're interested in?"

"I... I don't really know what I want to talk about." Minho answered.

"Hmmm, okay, would it be fine if I say just about anything and maybe I'll touch something of your interest while I speak?"

Minho thought for a moment. He likes his hiding spot (which has been found) quiet, but a change in the atmosphere wouldn't hurt. Also, he made Jisung stay, so this is the least he could do.

Minho turns to face Jisung and nods.

The smaller male seemed to be taken aback by the sudden eye contact but kept his composure and started talking.

"...and they always tell me that I look like a squirrel when I eat bec-"

"Because it looks like you store food in your cheeks." Minho really has a habit of cutting people midsentence.

Again, this took Jisung by surprise. Out of all the topics he has blurted out for what seems to be an eternity, this is the piece of information that Minho reacted to.

"Yeah. Are you interested in squirrels?" Jisung just had to know why.

"I...uhhh..I like animals. We own cats at home and I actually want to get a second pet."

"That's really awesome! My mom would never let me get a pet, even if I have my own apartment to stay at. She says that I'll only neglect it. Pfft."

Minho was processing what Jisung said. Own apartment. Wow, their family must be rich for him to have his own place to stay.

"That must be really cool. To have your own apartment."

"No, it gets lonely actually. Once in a while a servant comes to visit to check on me. Our house is actually pretty far from the uni, so my mom let me have my own apartment which is like a 5-minute drive from here. If you want, you can stop by anytime!" Jisung's eyes glistened with the idea that he'll finally have someone to hang out with.

"I don't think I'll be able to do that."

"May I ask why?" Jisung's eyes were suddenly filled with curiosity, mixed with a little bit of sadness.

"Reasons." Minho answered, face expressionless. He's really not in the mood to explain that his father put up some dumb rules to follow and he's always waiting for him once his school day is over.

"That's okay. I understand. Maybe we can hang around more here at the university." Jisung sounds optimistic once again.

"I have a question, if it's alright with you." Minho has been meaning to ask this to Jisung but being the timid person he is at the moment, how could he have asked this sooner.

"Ask away, my friend!"

"Why are you hanging out with me? Aren't the other students more of your league? I only got here because we have connections with the director but if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be here."

Jisung stared at the ground for a solid second before answering. "I don't know, maybe it's because you're the first person I saw the first day. And you seem really nice. There's really just something about the vibe you give off. You seem...pure."

Minho smiled at the word. Pure. Well, if all the impurities are found outside of his home, then he's definitely the purest since he just got out a week ago.

"Thank you for thinking that I'm pure. I really can't say anything about it, but I guess you have a point."

Jisung was about to say something when his phone buzzed. He fished it out of his pocket.

"Hello? Oh! Yeah, I'm sorry, I totally forgot! Yes, I'll be right there!"

Jisung quickly collects his things and his trash and mouthed I gotta go to Minho. Minho gave him a lazy wave of good bye and Jisung did the same.

Minho watched as his new friend, his only friend, gets farther and farther away from him.

He also started getting ready as he has one more class to attend before his dad picks him up.

You can stay. Now that he thought of it, it kinda sounded cheesy in his mind. But Jisung did not seem to mind. Nor did Minho seem to mind that he now has one stranger turned to friend in his life.

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