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Jisung just got home and loaded a lot of grocery bags to the countertop.

"You never accompanied me to grocery shopping before, sir. What changed?"

"You being nosy, I guess?" Jisung raised an eyebrow at his servant.

"You should really be more appreciative of what I did today. I'm just being nice. It only happens once in a blue moon."

As soon as the servant left, he grabbed one grocery bag and immediately went to his room where an undisturbed Minho is hiding. He's currently correcting some of Jisung's papers.

"Is she gone?" Minho asked while taking off his glasses.

Not this scene again.

"Yeah, it was really exhausting. I never knew shopping for groceries could be so confusing!" Jisung put the grocery bag in his cabinet and went straight to Minho's lap.

"Maybe next time, we could do it ourselves." Minho suggested while fixing Jisung's hair.

"You're gonna go out with me?! Hey, if this is your way of saying 'let's go on a date', grocery shopping isn't on my list." Jisung gave Minho a tight embrace.

"Or I just want to go out. I'm taking one step at a time. I just hope it doesn't reach my dad."

"Of course not. I'm not dumb." Jisung exclaimed as he pinched Minho's perfect tall nose.

"Come on, help me in the kitchen. I'll make jjigae." Minho already got up from his seat but it seems like Jisung wouldn't help him and is still beat from all the walking, running and carrying he did a while ago.

"Alright, I'll just make it alone. But make sure that you've regained your energy once I'm done cooking."

They're now in their sleeping attires and they just finished watching an anime titled The Flower We Saw that Day and Jisung's been crying for a while now.

"Come on, at least they reunited, right?"

"But why does Menma have to suffer that???"

"Baby, it's just a movie."

Jisung stopped sobbing. Did he hear it right?

"You called me baby??? Without the Jisungie?? Just baby??"

"Well, you're crying like one." Minho teased.

"Lee Minho, I could punch you in the face right now, but I don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours."

"Thank you for sparing me, baby."

And Jisung's been driven over the edge again.

He hopped onto Minho's lap, at their usual kissing position.

And it was evident what was coming next.

Their room was filled with smacking noises, their lips just wanting to devour one another, their tongues in full action.

As the kissing continued, Jisung started grinding on Minho's lap to which resulted in Minho breaking the kiss.

"Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing?"

Jisung bit his bottom lip. "Hyung, what do you say we take it up a notch?"

"I'm not following." Of course he isn't.

"You know, there's first base, second base... something like that."

Minho grabbed his phone and started Googling what Jisung was blabbering about.

"Seriously?? You're hopeless." Jisung scowled.

But he sat beside Minho and put his chin on his shoulders as they both read what it meant.

"So...second base?" Minho still looking puzzled, but if it's something Jisung wanted to try, then who is he to reject?

"You're such a prude. I was hoping we could go all the way. I even bought stuff for it!"

He got up and snatched the grocery bag inside his cabinet to reveal that he really was ready to make anything possible tonight.

"You're the one that's hopeless." Minho laughed at how Jisung started sulking again.

Jisung laid his head on Minho's lap. "Well, you said, as long as it's me, right?"

"Of course. But don't you think we're taking things too fast?"


Minho pinched Jisung's cheeks which made him yelp.

"I love you, Jisungie."

"I love you too, Minho."

And as the night grew deeper, so did their love for each other.

Minho was preparing yukgaejang in the kitchen when a still sleepy Jisung backhugged him.

"Why don't you go back to bed? I'll call you when it's ready."

"I just missed you."

He squeezed Jisung's hands. "I'm not going anywhere Jisungie."

Jisung stayed like that. He couldn't tell Minho that he had a bad dream where someone took him away. It was dark, and he was left alone.

"Hyung, do you want to come with me tomorrow? Felix wants me to accompany him to the mall tomorrow after class. Said he's preparing some things so that he could confess to Changbin."

"That's nice. You haven't really gone out since I started living here. I really want to come with you but I also have to finish some papers due the day after tomorrow."

"Will you be fine here alone?"

"Is there something I need to worry about." Minho turned around and brushed away the hair that's been sitting on Jisung's forehead.

"No, only you and I know the passcode to this apartment."

"Then that settles it. As long as you come home early, okay? I might not be able to wait for you if you stay out for too long."

"Okay, I'll drop you off here tomorrow first before I catch up on Felix."

"He's finally confessing, huh? With preparations too. That's nice."

Minho continued cooking on the kitchen while Jisung walked lazily into the living room and sat down on the couch. He's not into superstitions but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that he preferred to stay with Minho tomorrow. Of course, he didn't want to upset his bestfriend either.

"So, how's your body?" Minho walked towards him with a bowl of hot soup in his hands.

"Sore muscles here and there, but my bum hurts like hell."

"Didn't seem like it last night, though."

Minho earned a punch in the arm because of his remark. They kept on bickering about what happened last night as they ate their breakfast.

"Hyung, are you sure it's alright?"

"Jisungie, I'll be fine. You can call your landline to check on me if you're worried."

If Minho says there's nothing to worry about, then he must be overthinking about nothing.

If only he didn't miss a crucial detail.

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