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***please see description for trigger warnings.

Jisung rushed to the living room when he heard the sound.

"Hyung?? What happened??"

He saw Minho, on the floor, the picture frame that Hyunjin gave him, broken in pieces.

"Hyung are you alright?" Jisung is starting to get scared as he's never seen Minho's face like this. His eyes full of fear, his breaths much deeper than before.

He took the picture on the table. It must be because of Hyunjin's face.

"I'm so sorry, hyung! I was about to throw it away. I'm really sorry I forgot. I didn't even know why he would give me a picture of us."


"Who is who?"


"Hyung, why you screaming? It' dad." Jisung was surprised to hear Minho scream like that. Definitely the loudest he's heard from Minho.

Minho started panting harder. His chest is getting more and more painful.

He hurriedly went to the kitchen to grab the medicine kit and take one of those relaxants his father gave him.

"Hyung, what's happening? You're scaring me."

He was about to give Minho a hug when he was stopped by a hand as Minho swallows the pill and downed the water he poured a while ago.

"Don't...come..near me."

"What did I do?"

"You planned all this didn't you?!"

"Minho, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"But I do."

They both turned to the direction where the voice came from.

It was Hyunjin. He just opened the door, and he's accompanied by two large men.

"You guys are hurting my ears, you know," he pulled out a wireless earphone from his right ear, "good thing none of you favors wine because you might have a better chance of finding the tiny microphone there."

"Hyunjin, what the fuck?! Why would you do that?"

"Because I needed to, prick. That man", he pointed at Minho with a gun-like style, "he has been on dad's list for years. Right, Kim Nomin?"

Minho froze. Everything flashed before his eyes.

He has been living with the son of the man that made him hide his identity for twelve years. He fell in love with the son of a murderer.

"Why would dad even do that??"

"Oh for crying out loud, Jisung! Didn't your boyfriend tell you anything or are you just dumb? He's the one who snitched on dad twelve years ago. Don't you remember when your mom told you that dad was going on a cruise ship or something? Yeah, he was actually imprisoned because this brat couldn't keep his mouth shut."

No, it can't be.

All of Minho's sufferings, all of them caused by Jisung's dad. He was never close to his dad anyway, but still, they share the same blood, they're in one family. And now, his favorite person in the world, knows the truth about everything.

"Hyung..." Jisung pulled Minho into a tight hug. The latter still not responding. It's like Minho has pressed a shut down button a few moments ago.

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