In Life

177 11 15

Minho heard a soft sound, life a nerf gun going off. Then he felt Jisung sobbing.

He opened his eyes only to be shocked at the scene.

Hyunjin, clutching on his chest, his hand full of blood.

Jisung on the other hand, has a teeny bower held up (which has been concealed in sight with his oversized sweatshirt and he kept it on the bands of his baggy pants), with a silencer attached to it, the reason why the gunshot felt muffled.

Hyunjin started raising the gun again, struggling to keep his balance when Jisung threw himself at him, swatting the loaded gun away from his hand.

"Hyunjin, please..."

"I never knew you had a growth spurt, Jisung."

"I'm sorry", Jisung cradled his brother in his arms, "hyung, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."

Jisung has prepared for this moment as soon as he left Chan's place. He was ready to get blood on his hands if it meant protecting Minho.

But he didn't know that it would hurt this much. As brothers, they were never close and Hyunjin would always be an asshole to him, making fun of him for not being manly enough. Nevertheless, he was his only sibling and he has helped him keep his sanity for a while, making sure that he gets to talk to other humans when his parents or his friends are busy.

It shouldn't have ended this way.

He kept on crying while holding Hyunjin's head. It was apparent from Hyunjin's face that he was struggling to breathe.

"I'm not fucking dead yet, stop crying." Hyunjin let out a forced chuckle.

It came to their attention that a car has pulled up in front of the gate.

"Jisung...", Hyunjin gripped on Jisung's arms, " don't look back."

"But what about you?"

"Fucker, I'll be the one shooting you dead."

Hyunjin's eyes couldn't keep open. He was still breathing and that gave relief to Jisung.

He laid his brother down gently to avoid making more noises. He grabbed the .45 pistol and pulled Minho by his hand.

"We have to go."

"Is he dead?"

"It'll take at least ten shots before death comes to visit him."

Jisung opened the window.

"Hyung, I know you're scared of heights, but we have a better survival if we jump from here than go out that door."

"Jisung, just let me go."

Jisung turned around and landed a hard slap across Minho's face.

"Stop being a coward and listen to me."

Jisung pulled him by the window.

"Don't stretch your feet when landing. Do everything it takes to at least make a roll so we don't break our bones."


"Hyung, I swear to God both of us will be dead if you do-"

"I love you."

And with that, he held Jisung's hand and they both jumped out of the window.

It was a good thing there were leaves and sticks to somehow protect them from the impact.

Minho quickly got up. The place was too dark. Only the lights of the house were illuminating the place.

Minho offered his hand to pull Jisung up but it seemed like he sprained his feet.

I Must Protect ( MinSung )Where stories live. Discover now