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I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at my soon to be ex Fiancé.

"What?" He asked angrily.

"Cut him some slack. Noct's been through a lot." I said softly.

"Oh don't you baby him either." He growled out.

"I'm not babying him! I'm giving him a break! He just watched the woman he loved die. Tell me would you be able to focus if I died?" I asked softly.

"I'd do my job." He said calmly.

"So you wouldn't mourn me? You wouldn't miss me?" I asked as I put my hand on my hip.

"People die all the time."

"I see." I said as I turned and walked towards the camp.

I set beside Prompto and looked down at the fire. Gladio followed behind me and set away from everyone else.

"Everything okay, (Y/n)?" Ignis asked softly.

"Perfectly fine." I said as I sent him a smile.

I knew he couldn't see it, but I didn't want him to worry. When morning came I decided to return to the train.

"You want me to go with-"

"No, I'll be fine." I said cutting Gladio off.

He nodded his head and I walked away.

I knew I shouldn't be so hard on him, but I was angry. How could I mean so little to Gladio? I mean we were engaged, yes it was a forced engagement, but I still thought he cared about me.

I soon became deep in thought, so deep in thought that I wasn't watching where I was going. When I saw the hole it was to late and I fell down it. I roughly hit the ground with a gasp.

"Just my luck." I groaned out as I set up.

I went to stand up but couldn't.

"Great." I whispered as I looked at my now sprained ankle.

I dragged myself to the wall of the cave and stood up.

"Can anyone hear me!" I screamed.

When I got no response I decided to just sit and hope one of the boys would go out looking for me. After an hour and a half I heard someone yelling my name.

"I'm here!" I yelled.

I heard rubble and looked up to see Gladio.

"Are you okay!" He yelled.

"I sprained my ankle!"

"Give me a second and I'll be down there!" He yelled.

A rope was soon thrown down and I watched as he climbed down. He quickly rushed to my side and looked at my ankle. I let out a groan as he moved it a certain way.

"Sorry." He said as he moved his hand away.

"It's fine, you're just trying to see how bad it is."

"Not bout that... bout what I said. I didn't mean it the way it came out." He said calmly.


"I would miss you.... terribly. Probably would never fully get over losing you." He said with a frown.

I looked at him shocked and he let out a sigh.

"I said that I would do my job, but in all honesty.... I don't know what I would do." He said as he met my eyes.


"I'd probably be doing the same as Noct." He said sadly.

I quickly leaned forward and captured his lips with mine. He let out a sigh and pulled me closer.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips.

"I love you too." He said softly.

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